R | 20 January 1993 (USA)
Guncrazy Trailers

California teen Anita Minteer struggles in the face of an absentee mother, her mom's abusive boyfriend, Rooney, and a lack of respect from her classmates. This all changes when a pen-pal school project connects her with convict Howard. Anita secures Howard's parole and violently squares off against Rooney after he rapes her. Soon enough, the gun-crazy teen is on the run with Howard, with his parole officer in pursuit.

Micitype Pretty Good
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
wes-connors For a school project, promiscuous 15-year-old Drew Barrymore (as Anita Minteer) is instructed to find herself a pen pal. So, she begins writing to 24-year-old prison inmate James LeGros (as Howard Hickok), who is serving time for manslaughter. Through their correspondence, Ms. Barrymore falls in love with Mr. LeGros, and decides to stop having sex with the guys at school, like Rodney Harvey (as Tom) and Jeremy Davies (as Bill). Barrymore also becomes enamored with guns, and learns how to shoot, from absent mother's sexy boyfriend Joe Dallesandro (as Rooney). When Barrymore cuts him off, Mr. Dallesandro turns to rape.Meanwhile, Barrymore is attempting to get LeGros out of jail, on parole, by convincing snake-charming preacher Billy Drago (as Hank Fulton) that the pistol-whipping prisoner has accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. The parole board buys the ruse, and LeGros is good to go. Ironically, he is unable to satisfy Barrymore's sexual appetite. Still, the pair become close companions. Problems arise when Barrymore reveals a deadly secret to LeGros, and the young couple's "Guncrazy" tendencies boil over. Writer Matthew Bright's doomed characters simmer alongside director Tamra Davis' banister end. The cast is a future cult dream.****** Guncrazy (5/92) Tamra Davis ~ Drew Barrymore, James LeGros, Billy Drago, Rodney Harvey
lastliberal Drew Barrymore stars as a teenager who is left with mom's boyfriend (Joe Dalessandro) as she goes off to Fresno. He, and everybody else in town, is sexually abusing her. She hooks up with a pen pal from Chino (James LeGros), who like Clyde barrow just can't get it up. He can't do much else either as he is the worst thief I have ever seen.She loves shooting guns, but isn't much of a thief either, giving a guys money back after he gives her a sob story about paying the rent.Ione Sky plays her best friend, Joy, and does a good job. I always enjoy her and like to see more.Too bad there was little action, and lousy dialog.
moonspinner55 Drew Barrymore plays a hick-town lass in denim who meets a struggling young ex-con determined to go legit (you know he's not going to last long--the close-ups of Barrymore's pretty, dangerous smile and gleaming eyes tell you that!). Director Tamra Davis isn't interested in copying old film-noirs (such as "Deadly is the Female"), yet her original set-up isn't very intriguing either. The drowsy material at the beginning with an over-aged Ione Skye doesn't work, and Davis takes a good hour to get the energy pumping. Finally, in its last third, "Guncrazy" starts feeling a little feverish and exciting, the action sequences far out-weighing the canned dramatics. Barrymore has a lovely presence on-screen, but she needs a much tougher director to guide her through the complexities of character, not someone like Davis whose grip on this material just isn't firm enough. ** from ****
Mr Parker Occasionally, I like stupid movies for stupid reasons. This happens to be one of them. Any movie that has someone eating a Hostess pudding pie (remember those?) in under two seconds gets at least two stars from me. The most memorable scene of the movie. Rating: ** out of *****.