Bus Stop
Bus Stop
| 31 August 1956 (USA)
Bus Stop Trailers

Cowboys Beauregard Decker and Virgil Blessing attend a rodeo in Phoenix, where Decker falls in love with beautiful cafe singer Cherie. He wants to take Cherie back to his native Montana and marry her, but she dreams of traveling to Hollywood and becoming famous. When she resists his advances, Decker forces Cherie onto the bus back to Montana with him, but, when the bus makes an unscheduled stop due to bad weather, the tables are turned.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Fuzzy Wuzzy BUS STOP has got to be one of the most enjoyable and entertaining Western/Comedy/Romances that I have ever had the pleasure of watching.With an excellent cast, showcased by the likes of the voluptuous Marilyn Monroe and the virile Don Murray, BUS STOP is a Western/Romance that's certainly worth a second view.When husky Montana rodeo-champ, Bo Decker, finds his "Angel", it's love at first sight. Bo instantly falls heads over heels for the sweet'n'sexy Cherie, a fifth-rate nightclub chanteuse.Bo wants marriage. Cherie wants Hollywood.For the headstrong Bo, "no" does not always mean "no", especially when it comes to the wishes of his beloved "Angel". And so Bo finds that he must learn the hard way - That he can't just rope a gal the same way one lassos a steer.When it comes to Bo learning a lesson on sheer stubbornness, it's Carl, the rugged and gallant bus-driver, who must intervene and rearrange Bo's face for him.Beaten and disgraced in front of his "Angel", everything somehow turns out for the best for Bo Decker. Before you know it, it's suddenly cheers and happy times ahead when Cherie realizes that, yes, she is, indeed, in love with this impulsive, but basically good-hearted cowboy-dude.Released in 1956 - BUS STOP is, most definitely, Western/Comedy/Romance at its rootin'-tootin' best!
jsmurray13 In March 1956, the owner of the store told us snow skiers that a film would be shot at the store location. I was a roomer skier and spent the entire day at the store on March 19, 1956. Several men arrived early with wind machines, a bus, a small crane to be used to lift Marilyn Monroe to a false window opening for the film start. She was to flag down the bus for a ride, but in those days the camera shot too much of Marilyn's neckline for the approval of the censers. It was cut. Most of the acting crew awaited in the store when the 'fight scene' was filmed and near the end of the day a huge snow slide occurred between the North Fork Store and Ketchum due to sudden snow warming. The entire crew was stuck and would have to wait for the snow plows. Since the store was also a small restaurant, the lady owner started to give food, coffee, and cokes to all the crew. The big highway snow plows were still working big snow slides several miles to the northwest. After a snack, the owners who also played musical instruments started a dance, all had a great time, the road opened about 10 pm.
jhfenster The firs time i tried to watch Bus Stop, I switched it off because I did not see the Marilyn Monroe I had expected to see. Then recently, and for the first time, I watched Bus Stop all the way through and was amazed.It's clear that Marilyn was drawing on her own experiences in portraying Cherie, the put-upon saloon singer. But she also brought to the role an amazing portrayal the likes of which she had never before done, nor ever would again, which is the public's loss. She proved herself to be a real actress and while Don Murray was Oscar-nominated, Marilyn's work was ignored by the Academy, as it would be for the rest of her life.Watch Bus Stop and be amazed.
bobbysoxer97 I will start by saying that I am not a fan of Marilyn Monroe and never have been. So, when I decided to sit down to watch this, I was a bit skeptic. However, I was delightfully surprised! This was Monroe's first film after her year long break to attend acting school and one can definitely see the improvement. Although not an Oscar winning performance, the depth of her character surprised me. On a whole, the film itself is quite interesting. The first twenty minutes were a bit rocky for me, but it steadily improved. The last two scenes of the picture were worth waiting for. So beautifully done, with so much tenderness. Again, the film is not a "ten out of ten" but is worth a try...even if you aren't normally a fan of Monroe.P.S. The theme, which is sung by "The Four Lads," is extremely catchy.