| 01 January 2009 (USA)
Minghags Trailers

A guy who invented this thing called the garbage juicer. You can take garbage and mash it into the trash can, and it has three spouts. You can choose delicious root beer, grapefruit juice or kerosene. This businessman steals the invention from him so the guy spends the whole time trying to dick the businessman over.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
zif ofoz this film is stupid, cheap, completely a waste of - "whatever".the total nonsense and vulgarity and cheap shots is what i mostly enjoyed! this movie made me laugh and i've actually watched it twice.the title tells you everything you need to know about what this movie offers! don't expect high tone comedy. this is 21st century burlesque for anyone spoiled by cable/satellite TV reality shows and the other 'crap' it serves up. and then the director successfully brought it down a few notches. the old man and the two gay guys are worth watching the entire movie!!!it doesn't pretend to be anything other than what you are seeing and i luved it!
t_icarus If you like movies with a BS story (yeah it has a story) with reasonable production values and stupid pop/skate idol Bam this movie is for you. Don't get me wrong I like Bam but only in CKY or Jackass movies, not in this dribble. The story was probably made up in one of Brandon Dicamillo drunken stupors.I spend 10 min fast forwarding in this film and couldn't find 1 min where I thought "this is OK". It's a total wast of time. So don't wast your money and please somebody contact Bam to tell him the same.And yes I didn't watch it all but it was so bad you don't have to see it all to find it totally worthless.
Jamie O'Hanlon OK, this is a weird one! When i started watching this movie i thought it was going to be boring as hell with no funny parts whatsoever (Only really light stuff) but i was wrong... This movie is SO weird and thats what makes it gold. Bam Margera has proved he can direct an amazingly funny movie without a very large budget. All of the characters in this movie are all from Viva La Bam, Jackass and the CKY movies. The movie starts off a little boring but moves its way up while the film goes and i had to watch the whole thing (I WAS going to turn it off).Im also surprised to see Don Vito in this movie considering his probation on which he isn't allowed to play the role of "Don Vito" (You know, the way he acts) but in this he still seems the old Vito and still cant speak properly and stupid.Anyway, you gotta see this movie if your a VLB, Jackass or CKY fan as this is great - 8/10.
kent802 I recently received Minghags in the mail and I popped it into the DVD player immediately.This movie transcends the straight-to-DVD stigma and delivers where it counts! Although, the vast majority of people who will enjoy this movie are the die hard CKY/VLB/jackass fans, if anyone out there is looking for a great comedy to get drunk or high to, here it is.The movie follows a group of "socially inept, maladjusted individuals" who are on a mission to exact revenge on a billionaire entrepreneur who steals the blueprints for their invention. Of course, the characters are what you would expect from Bam and the CKY crew: irreverent, crude, and just plain silly. Fans will be able to point out all of the throwbacks to Bam's previous movie "Haggard", and the several cameos in the movie including appearances by pro skater Kerry Getz, porn star Gina Lynn, and other more obscure members of the CKY crew. However, just about everyone will agree that the biggest scene stealer of all is Brandon Dicamillo (who plays about 10 different characters).If you're looking for a flick that's as fun as it is dangerous to watch, look no further than Minghags! *there may be one scene involving the gay biker that some may have trouble....*ahem*...stomaching