Prom Night III: The Last Kiss
Prom Night III: The Last Kiss
R | 28 June 1990 (USA)
Prom Night III: The Last Kiss Trailers

Mary Lou, the prom queen burned to death by her boyfriend back in the fifties, has escaped from hell and is once again walking the hallways of Hamilton High School, looking for blood.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Woodyanders Wicked and seductive femme fatale 50's prom queen Mary Lou Maloney (deliciously played to the perfectly vampy hilt by the gorgeous Courtney Taylor) escapes from hell and returns to the normal world to wreak all kinds of nasty havoc. Mary Lou falls for amiable, but average and underachieving nice guy Alex (a solid and likable performance by Tim Conlon). Pretty soon Mary Lou is bumping off anyone who gets in Alex's way. It's up to Alex's sweet girlfriend Sarah Monroe (a winning portrayal by the fetching Cyndy Preston) to save Alex from Mary Lou's evil clutches. Directors Peter Simpson and Ron Oliver (the latter also wrote the witty script) deliver a delightfully outrageous horror comedy riot that unfolds at a constant snappy pace, maintains an engagingly breezy and campy tongue-in-cheek tone throughout, and offers a handy helping of suitably over-the-top graphic gore (grisly highlights include electrocution by jukebox, two fingers being accidentally cut off with a pair of scissors, an annoying guidance counselor getting drenched with battery acid, an especially inspired impalement on a metal spiked football, and a heart being yanked out). The humor might be pretty crude and lowbrow, but it's still awful funny just the same. For example, Alex and Mary Lou make love on top of the American flag. Moreover, there's a hilarious parody of vintage 50's histrionic classroom VD scare films and the PA announcements are absolutely sidesplitting. Plus the wacky dialogue is simply priceless (all-time favorite line: "I don't get mad; I bake"). Conlon and Preston display a spot-on charming chemistry in the lead roles while Taylor has a field day as the sexy, yet sinister Mary Lou. Nice supporting contributions by Dylan Neal as cocky jock Andrew Douglas, David Stratton as Alex's easygoing smartaleck friend Shane Taylor, Jeremy Ratchford as the hopelessly geeky Leonard Walsh, Roger Dunn as bumbling principal Mr. Weatherall, and George Chuvalo as jerky biology teacher Mr. Walker. Rhett Morita's lively cinematography makes nifty use of crazy tilted angles and boasts plenty of hyperactive camera-work. Paul Zaza's shuddery score likewise hits the shivery spot. A real hoot.
Mr_Ectoplasma "Prom Night III: The Last Kiss" is the third installment of the series, following Part II, which was virtually unrelated to Part I. Mary Lou continues her rampage again at Hamilton High School. This time, Mary Lou's ghost falls for a teenage football player named Alex. She begins appearing to him, and she seems to be able to give Alex what ever he wants, when he wants it. But what he isn't aware of is that Mary Lou is an evil spirit, and she begins killing off all of his enemies and rivals, and he ends up losing his girlfriend too. Since Mary Lou is a ghost and nobody can see her, Alex is the only link to the murders and he becomes the prime suspect.I'm not sure if this sequel was intended to be scary or funny, because to me it was a heck of a lot funnier than it was scary. The whole setup of the movie is a bit random, and there are some genuinely funny scenes. Cheesy, but funny. Prime examples of this campy humor are when when Mary Lou appears to Alex at an ice cream stand in the biology classroom, and when Alex wakes up naked in the school and has to wrap himself in a flag. There are lots of gory scenes throughout the movie, but none of it is really taken seriously and the special effects aren't great. The acting was alright, and the plot was unrealistic. But it's what you would expect from a movie of this type.Overall, "Prom Night III: The Last Kiss" is a campy but funny horror flick. It's not scary at all, it turned out to be much more funny than terrifying. It's an okay way to pass an hour and a half. 5/10.
Jay Bethke I'm a bit surprised by all of the negative reviews of this film's got more wit and grue than 90% of the films of its genre and era, yet it's called "crap" (which says little for everything else). Yes, PN3 is very juvenile, but so is the intended audience - the evil heroes of horror of the late 80s and early 90s generally play to such tastes. The male lead is easy to like (the chemistry between he and his girlfriend reminds me of that of the lead guy and his girlfriend in "Fright Night"), as is the actress portraying Mary Lou. The film doesn't pretend to be anything more than a "USA Up All Night" flick, but the dialog, style and gore of the movie are all above average (I think of "Girlfriend From Hell" as the prototypical decent "USA Up All Night" film, and this one is definitely in a class above). The horror just erupts from nowhere in this film, like the scene in which the principal cuts off his finger and wind starts blowing all over, slamming doors shut reaction to this was a big laugh: what a great, madcap way to foreshadow. I love films in which the hell just starts right away and keeps going until the end (Evil Dead 2 is probably the best example of that). And I laughed a lot while watching PN3, but perhaps one needs a rather free - and yet very juvenile - sense of humor to get the most out of it. If you ever snickered at the humor and one-liners of Freddy Krueger, Angela Baker, or even the Wishmaster, you'll probably like this incarnation of Mary Lou. In any case, this film is very representative of its time and genre, in good ways and bad, depending on your take.
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) This wasn't the greatest sequels of the genere, but it has a lot of bright spots through the movie. This Mary Lou was a lot more sultry than the one in the second movie. Mary Lou was vile, but then again, she was a lot clever than usual. I liked the part where she seduced the pawn to her scheme. And I also liked the part when the football turned really deadly. And what do you have to say about that? SCORE!The only downside of the movie is there are a few well known stars in this movie, however, I enjoyed the plot, the storyline and the results of what went on throughout the movie. It could use a little more scare factor, and there's happen to be some comedy as well. It was fair, and slightly better than the second one in my opinion. Rating 2 out of 5 stars. 5 out of 10.