Prom Night IV: Deliver Us from Evil
Prom Night IV: Deliver Us from Evil
R | 14 February 1992 (USA)
Prom Night IV: Deliver Us from Evil Trailers

Thirty years after slashing a Hamilton High couple on Prom Night 1957, psychotic priest Father Jonas gets loose from the chapel basement where the other church fathers had been secretly keeping him locked up and drugged.

Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
atinder So second time in series, this movies to new story, this as got nothing to with any of the ones before.However the opening scene is might to be the same night Mary Lou died by the fire in part 2, However as that happen out side a crazy priest killed two of teens who were having sex,Few years later Prince is back and start the killing spear off again and kills anyone is having any Sex.This movie got to bit more serious then the last two movies in the series I thought the story was little weak for this series, I didn't fact the series went from comedy to serious again, I Thought the movie was very slow and I didn't think the movie that creepy or scary and the movie wasn't that fun to watch.the acting was really good from the whole castNot sure what to rate at the moment!
Zalman666 Out of all the horror movie series I've seen, the Prom Night series takes the cake for maintaining almost no continuity in its films. The first of which was a simple tale of revenge; the following two contained none of the original characters and revolved around the ghost of Mary Lou Maloney: a wicked prom queen who'll stop at nothing to get her crown and the man she desires. While I enjoyed the first of these two films, it's hardly surprising that movie-goers have written them off as laughable and pathetic. Although Prom Night 4 bears no relevance to its predecessors, it gets its scariness from having a very dark villain who pulls no punches whatsoever even if the entire film is loaded with the most predictable horror movie clichés and contains no originality. When we first meet Father Jonas, he's praying fervently about his hatred for sluts and whores. Unsurprisingly, this hatred is what motivates him to kill two high school students making out in a car on the night of their prom. Fast forward 33 years later, Father Jonas isn't in jail but confined to small room beneath his church where his keepers rely on heavy sedatives to keep his evil at bay. Luckily for Father Jonas, a new priest has been assigned to look after him and he escapes by nightfall to return to countryside seminary he remembers from his younger days except now it's a summer home in which four thrill-seeking teenagers are indulging in sex and alcohol. Why not? It's their prom night! It's here that the horror-movie clichés are ubiquitous: for instance, upon their arrival the teens learn that the very secluded house has been burgled, but they choose not to call the police since they're not supposed to be there. The rest of the film features the murders of the two most promiscuous teens, calls to the police that are ineffective, and a lengthy game of cat and mouse in which Father Jonas chases Megan-the most innocent of the teens. Throughout it all, the priest maintains the same dark facial expression and goes about his rampage undeterred. If the effect isn't chilling than it's certainly gruesome, especially since the most undeterred villains in previous horror films couldn't have been human and either wore white masks and shredded coveralls or stalked their victims in their dreams. The fans of the Prom Night series who wrote off the Mary Lou storyline as crap will enjoy this film for being a simple slasher featuring rage-filled murderer, but so will all horror movie fans looking for a creepy and cliché-ridden thrill.
Coventry What's the most frustrating thing that can happen to you in the videostore? Imagine: you find a box that says 'Prom Night' with a nice, gruesome cover. You seem to remember that, talking in terms of 80's slashers, this Prom Night is supposed to be a masterpiece. Without hesitating much, you take it and go home. Then you play it and as the credits start to appear on the TV-screen it turns out you've rented something that's actually 'Prom Night 4: Deliver us from Evil'. They made a Prom Night 4 now?? I've been had!!Anyway, since complaining in the videostore is of no use, you just watch this piece of junk. Two young couples, staying in mum and dad's mansion for the weekend, are terrorized by a priest whose thoughts and actions are controlled by the devil. This priest – father Jones – killed before, but the Church managed to keep it secret and hidden for 34 years. All this time, Father Jones was locked up in a cellar and tranquillized with drugs. A young, inexperienced priest lets him escape. There's no tension, no background (how did Father Jones got possessed?) and no original deaths. The acting is awful (or what did you think?) and the gore-level is extremely low. Welcome to redundant and stupid sequel n° 5.789! Oh, one more thing…it may be a detail but…where was the Prom??
bfan83 I am a fan of the Prom Night series and have been for quite a while. So it was no surprise to me that I found this flick enjoyable. And like everyone is saying, this film really has no relation to the other Prom Night films. I loved the first one, the second was great fun, too, but the third one was pretty terrible. It went more towards the erotic horror genre. Which I hate. Anyway, POSSIBLE SPOILERS HERE!, the film is about a crazed monk who kills two teens making love in the backseat of a car. He is caught by the rest of the monks and the administer some kind of injection that puts him into a coma for nearly 40 years.Then, a new priest takes over after the old one dies but the idiot doesn't administer the injection. So, Father Jonas, who is creepy as hell, I might add awakens and kills the Priest. He then returns to the old monastary from the beginning of the film and sets his sights on four teenagers that are having their own private prom celebration.So from here, it's scare city. The music is downright scary and haunting, the acting very good. Especially that of Nikki De Boer, the guy who played Father Jonas scared the living crap out of me. So I give this film a 10! Great, scary popcorn fun! Check it out!
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