R | 19 May 2006 (USA)
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An examination of the malevolent London underworld with it's despicable criminal underground. Ray (Mick Rossi) just finished an eight year prison sentence after getting set up. Now he is back on the streets to settle the score.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
JD Smith Loved it. Granted you have to pay attention, but a film for those connoisseurs who love the genre and like to think a little. Only discovered it recently, do not know why it had no theatrical release. Great acting(Especially considering it was apparently improved-) ,great pace, and believable story that drew me in. Impressed how the acting across the board was at such a high level. Val Kilmers scenes in the car were brilliant, as were the scenes with Anthony LaPaglia and Bruno Kirby interrogating suspects. Also really enjoyed Patrick Bergin's quirky psychotic character. As well as Joanne Whalley and Brit mob boss Roy Doltrice. Don't know why Colin Farrell wasn't credited? But most important this film is tops for capturing gangster culture- most realistic I've seen in years. Years. It will be considered a classic in 20 yrs. I thoroughly enjoyed it. For those who didn't, surely SpongeBob is avail on DVD!
Paul T. Baker Okay, I got the screener at the video store I work at & thought the cast was interesting enough to give it a try. I've seen enough of these promos (especially from Lionsgate) to not expect much of a film, or more than a minute of each 'name' from the cover, so after reading some reviews here on IMDb I went in with low expectations.Overall, I'd have to say I pleasantly surprised. Lots of nice little plot twists, several double-crosses, a few scenes of genuine suspense.The movie centers around and features (newcomer?) Mick Rossi in almost every scene, and his performance only suffers in comparison to the more seasoned actors showing their stuff. He does a decent job as an unlucky little fish caught in a sea of meaner, bigger fish.And the long list of 'guests' do a stand-out job of fleshing out their characters & keeping the story compelling. Val Kilmer is great as a dopey 'cleaner'; Vinnie Jones is nicely menacing as a crooked cop; Gabriel Byrne, in the few minutes of screen time he has, is perfect as an understated dark angel; Joanne Whalley is strangely enticing as a long-suffering but supportive ex-love interest. Anthony LaPaglia & (the great) Bruno Kirby, unfortunately, add little as tough LA detectives, but arguably they didn't have much to work with.My only real problem would be the ending. One of those films that just kind of stops, and after so many little twists it would have been nice for something tighter to finish on.If you're at all interested, and can find it cheap, don't be afraid to give it a try.
caesarian New contender for worst movie ever. Do not be misled by Val Kilmer's name appearing in the credits, he appears for all of one minute. Reminiscent of Executive Decision's posters who made it appear as though Steven Segal played a central role in the film (even though he disappeared after 5 minutes).The film has no plot, no story, no point. Worst of all, it has no ending. To date I had listed U-Turn as worst movie ever, but I think Played has taken the bottom spot. It reads as a gangster thriller, but none of the scenes are backed up. They appear more like events that follow each other rather than integral parts of a story. No climax is built up, the love story is stated but never portrayed. Characters dart in and out before any portrayal is required. All in all a complete waste of time.Best advice: DO NOT WATCH.
plastik-fantastik Beware,this is a real pretender.You see Vinnie Jones and Gabriel Byrne on the poster and you see Val Kilmer is in it too,so it looks all good but then the film starts,shows the actors in alphabetic order and at the end it says:Introducing Mick Rossi.So that's what you get to see,about 88 minutes with Mick Rossi and about 1 minute Gabriel Byrnes and about 2 minutes Val Kilmer,only one who's featured a bit more is Vinnie Jones.So if you want to see a true Mick Rossi film (probably the only one he ever will have a leading part in),check it out,otherwise beware.The story is average too.Mick plays a small time gangster who got a job from the big boys which gets him into lots of trouble.