I Am Nancy
I Am Nancy
| 24 April 2011 (USA)
I Am Nancy Trailers

A look at Heather Langenkamp's unique experience playing Wes Craven's legendary teen heroine Nancy Thompson. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, Heather asks the burning question: "Why Freddymania, and not Nancymania?" After personally experiencing the Freddy Krueger marketing craze, the rise of horror convention fandom and the phenomenon of eight Nightmare On Elm Street films, Heather reflects on the relevance of heroes in this modern age of monster lovers.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Rewster7 Whilst its low budget is evident, there is a lot of heart and effort put into this beautifully made documentary. Heather Langenkamp, the actress whom played Nancy Thompson in 'A Nightmare on Elm Street', explores the fandom of the character, which, of course, pales in comparison to the film's famous antagonist, Freddy Krueger. Langenkamp, and director Arlene Marechal, pose the question why doesn't Nancy have the same popularity as her arch nemesis? However, there are Nancy fans out there, and Langenkamp hears from them of their personal feelings towards the character and what she means to them. Nancy is a special kind of slasher protagonist. Continuing on from what Laurie Strode started in 'Halloween', Nancy is not a "sexualised virgin", but a level-headed, smart teenager who would rather face her fears than run away from them. The character has inspired many, and Langenkamp exposes the character's importance in not only horror cinema, but in the lives of her fans. Interviews with 'Nightmare' director Wes Craven, and Robert Englund (the actor who played Freddy Krueger) also give insightful analyses of Nancy. Craven, the creator explains Nancy's origins, whilst Englund opines on her relationship with his character, Freddy.As a fan of Nancy myself, I really enjoyed this documentary. Langenkamp isn't so much a star, but a down-to-earth woman whose uplifting spirit is contagious. Her positive demeanor and her obvious appreciation for her fans make for a feel-good experience.
polishedis211 Before I start, I just want to say that I am a die-hard 80's horror fan, so my opinion is totally biased. Nevertheless, I will try to review this as honestly as possible for those who aren't as crazy about this genre as I am. First off, I loved this documentary! Heather Langenkamp's Nancy from the Nightmare on Elm Street series is my second favorite final girl of all time. I won't get into my first favorite because this is about the documentary I Am Nancy. I loved all 120 minutes of it! Without giving too much away its mostly Heather at the convention scene discussing the character of Nancy with fans. Which, speaking as a fan myself, is pretty darn cool! As a fan, I cannot get enough of the Nightmare On Elm Street films, and those associated with making them. So when I learned of this documentary I knew I would love it before ever having seen it. I understand that to someone who isn't a huge horror fan, this documentary probably won't have the same appeal, but based on my fandom alone I had to give it 10 stars. Now, taking into account that not everyone possesses my amount of fandom, this documentary is still quite entertaining. Robert Englund AKA Freddy Krueger makes an appearance, along with Wes Craven who of course is the mastermind behind the first Nightmare On Elm Street as well as A New Nightmare (A New Nightmare being my favorite film in the franchise). The two offer up some insight into the franchise as well as their take on the character of Nancy. This documentary is also not void of humor, with a few funny moments scattered throughout. I could go into more detail, but I don't want to give too much away. Trying to put my fandom aside, I would say that it is at least deserving of a 7 star rating. So that's 10 stars if you're a huge fan like myself, and 7 stars if you're just a casual fan. Either way not a bad documentary, so if you haven't seen it I definitely recommend that you do. Yours truly, Nightmare Fan For Life
buffy232000 I have watched this documentary 8 times and I still laugh every time! If you are a true "A Nightmare on Elm Street" fan I don't know how you could not watch this film. There was so much thought put into it by Heather and Arlene (the star and director) and they really to a great job honoring the fans that were so open to share their stories.Heather is on a mission in this movie to see what Nancy (the heroine) means to fans. We all know and love Freddy, but without Nancy who would Freddy have to battle? Nancy is the strongest of the Nightmare on Elm Street leading ladies and should be honored as such. What surprised me when I first watched the film was how it was so funny, and yet it really took a look at the more serious side of the Nancy story and how the courage of Heather's character has helped other people. There are also some wonderful interviews with Wes Craven, Robert Englund, and Jessica Craven (Wes' daughter) exploring the legacy of NOES and the character of Nancy.I have become very passionate about this project and I feel like it is actually pretty hard to put into words of how amazing it actually is. The best thing I can say is it is worth watching… again and again and again! So after you leave this page go and buy your copy now. Go ahead, I'll wait!
sarahfirman I have been looking forward to this since seeing the preview on the Never Sleep Again DVD. I thought it looked like a great premise - Heather Langenkamp investigates the place Nancy holds in the Elm Street legacy by talking to fans at major horror conventions. However, the preview clip provided on Never Sleep Again really says it all: there is not much more to it than that, spread out over 90 minutes. Anyone that is interested in seeing this already knows why the character Nancy is so great, and that Nightmare is the greatest horror film of all time, so those folks don't really need a 90 minute documentary that reiterates those points. Anyone who doesn't concur with those notions won't be convinced by this documentary in any case. That said, there are a couple of interesting bits and pieces here: the interview with Wes Craven's daughter is intriguing, as is the discussion between Wes and Heather. However, too much of the documentary is nothing new, and the somewhat schmaltzy 'inspirational' latter third made me cringe. All in all, it is not a bad documentary, it just isn't a great one. Too often, it feels a little meandering and pointless. When it is aiming towards a point, it feels forced. A must-have for completists only. For everyone else, there is always 'Never Sleep Again'.