| 19 January 2005 (USA)
Between Trailers

Dianne travels alone to Mexico in search of her missing sister. Her investigation presents unsettling encounters leading her on a mind-bender as she attempts to unravel the truth.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Kimberly When Between began, I thought I had it all figured out. A girl goes to Tijuana to find her missing sister. She has some psychic connection to her and her dreams lead her to the truth about the disappearance. Boy, was I wrong. This movie is nothing like I expected.I thought that Poppy Montgomery was great in the role. I really like her as an actress and she's the main reason I watched the movie. I was pleasantly surprised to see Adam Kaufman playing her husband as I'm also a fan of his. They are completely believable as a loving couple who support each other in their time of need. The mystery that unravels as the film goes on always keeps you guessing. Every time you think you have this movie pegged, you're wrong. It's hard to describe without giving too much away. I don't want to spoil it for anybody.The locations they shoot at are beautiful. You really get a sense of what it's like for this girl to wander through a strange city, interacting with people who speak another language, getting even more confused with every step she takes. All the people she runs into are really interesting characters. They all seem to be hiding something.I really think this movie is one of a kind. I can only think of a few others that could even fall into the same category, but nothing even come close to the tone of this movie. There are very few endings to movies that I absolutely love, even though they're kind of hard to accept. This is one of them. You don't quite see it coming, but after everything, it's the only way it could have ended. I was not surprised to hear this movie premiered at Sundance. I wish I'd heard of it before and rented it instead of watching it on Lifetime. I'm sure the original cut is even better than the TV version.If it's not clear by now, I loved this movie. I felt like they cast the best people for the roles and the overall mood of the film was pitch-perfect. Most movies that try to recreate a dream almost always fails. This one succeeds in every way. It easily could have turned into one giant cliché, but it never did. I highly recommend it if you're looking for a suspenseful mystery, a psychological thriller, or a love story that won't disappoint.
Carlos Rodriguez While I was watching this movie, I thought that it was one more of those movies that show the insecurity and criminal acts that Mexican population live daily. However, after I finished watching it, I noted that the principal protagonist was the dreams that interfere in the life of a woman. This woman fall in love with her husband who died in Tijuana, Mexico. She wants to escape from her reality and created her own history about her sister's disappear that was unreal. This film is like the classic movie of love of Romeo and Juliet wrote by Shakespeare in which Juliet decided to die after she saw Romeo dead. Similarly, this film looks to me like this story in a contemporary world. I am agreeing with the content of this movie because this movie is about the most beautiful feeling that is love. Film's massage that I got is that love is anywhere during life and afterlife. If you love, you live forever. Also, the plot was perfect for a city like Tijuana where many crimes occur daily. The protagonist used the bad reputation of this city to escape from her husband's death. I recommend this movie for everyone. However, I make a special invitation for all those couple who say that they are in love to see if they have the opportunity to choose to die or not to die knowing that one of them is already dead. What do you choose to die or to live?
Katherine Smith BETWEEN is condensed Bergman. It gripped me from the opening shot to the last. A number of its scenes still reverberate in my mind. It's the kind of movie that I want to, no, need to, talk about, afterwards. I wanted feed-back to my own reactions and perceptions. Did others see and feel what I had seen and felt? What were their interpretations? How did they account for what happened? BETWEEN is fast-paced, keeping me "on edge" all the way through; not for the faint of heart. Set in titillating Tijuana, BETWEEN slices from the traffic of the streets to a dimly lit interior of a wealthy home; from the pulsating intensity of a hospital operating room to the serenity of a walled garden; from the eerie explorations of a junkyard to the solemnity of a funeral in a cathedral. The cinematography is striking and memorable. If you want a film that will "stay" with you and make you want to see it again, see BETWEEN
Juliusreinhardt Between was one of the better, more intriguing films I saw at Sundance. I love that it was shot in a place I was not familiar with. It's filled with characters you don't often see in American films. Visually it was beautifully shot. I was surprised to find out it was shot on high definition.Between takes place in Tijuana, Mexico. It's about an American woman who goes to Tijuana to look for her lost sister. I thought initially the film got off to a slow start but it still kept me interested. After about 15 minutes into the film, I overheard a woman who sat next to me ask her friend "Where is this going?" And that is what intrigued me about Between, trying to figure out what is happening. I love the ending (I won't give it away). In the Q&A, someone asked about an optional ending. The director said they considered a different ending but the one they chose was the most honest choice. I agree. Well worth a watch. Though I do think the first half of the film could have its pace picked up a bit.
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