The Call of Cthulhu
The Call of Cthulhu
NR | 07 October 2005 (USA)
The Call of Cthulhu Trailers

A dying professor leaves his great-nephew a collection of documents pertaining to the Cthulhu Cult. The nephew begins to learn why the study of the cult so fascinated his grandfather. Bit-by-bit he begins piecing together the dread implications of his grandfather's inquiries, and soon he takes on investigating the Cthulhu cult as a crusade of his own.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
marcioharker I have not the habit of watching silent films , and my experience is based only on the incredible work of the unforgettable Charlie Chaplin. But no doubt it was worth it becomes aware of this fantastic work . Simple, crazy and dark are some of the best adjectives for it, it's a fantastic and recommended film from the writer renowned fans, but also for those who are fans of movies of terror and fiction or simply someone who look for a good movie to entertain themselves and think. Being extremely faithful to the story , Call of Cthulhu undoubtedly leave its mark on those who have the courage and the pleasure of watching it .
Gabriel Teixeira It was quite the surprise to find out about this movie. As a HP Lovecraft fan, it was a great pleasure to see his masterwork done so faithfully. The entire movie is done in the way of the old silent movies (ie.: as if during the time Lovecraft wrote the story). It is very difficult to adapt his works: Lovecraft put more attention on the feeling of dread and confusion, hammering the point that 'we are nothing in comparison to what is happening, and can't even begin to understand it', than on the narrative. Still, 'The Call of Cthulhu' is possibly the more straight-forward of his stories, and they did a great job; the movie not only follows the narrative closely (with a few minor changes, like the fight aboard the Emma/Alert), but also manages to create an atmosphere which, while not on par with what Lovecraft intended, still creates suspense enough to work.The acting is amateurish/over the top, but done in a way that would feel normal in the old silent films. The effects are very low-budget too, but that also falls in place with the whole 'silent era' theme of the movie (smart move, by the way). Cthulhu's appearance looks dated, but on par with those old special-effects monsters (on par with the old 'King Kong', or even better to me).Overall, a very worthy try at and a must-see for any HP Lovecraft fan. People who don't know him, or have only seen Stuart Gordon's crappy adaptations, might probably not like it though.
Jacin Harter Cco Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. ~ "In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."Maybe if you love H.P. Lovecraft you can find some delight in the film adaptation of his 1926 "weird tale".As with "The Artist" I was excited to see another modern-day silent picture. I have a lot of respect for people who maintain through practice traditions that have been pushed out by technological "progress". And at the end, to see a real clay-mation monster again - it was like time-traveling "jOtherwise, Andrew Leman's movie is little more than a fan-vid, trying to recreate the short story with precision rather than inspiration. By all means - never stop reading. The book will always be better than the movie.
itamarscomix The Call of Cthulhu gets extra points for passion and guts; the idea of filming Lovecraft's story - a notoriously unfilmable one - as a 20's silent horror film is clever and appealing, and it's obvious that the filmmakers have a lot of love and passion for Lovecraft's work and for German Impressionist cinema. In fact, as was noted before, it's probably the most loyal adaptation of Lovecraft made yet. But loyal and gutsy doesn't automatically equal good. The attempt to replicate the atmosphere of a silent-era film works only partially (the set designs are terrific, but the camera-work and acting didn't convince me), the fact that Lovecraft doesn't work as a movie hadn't changed, and ultimately it's mostly just a good film school project, rather than a good film, and one that will only hold interest for Lovecraft and German Expressionism enthusiasts.