PG | 25 January 2005 (USA)
MirrorMask Trailers

In a fantasy world of opposing kingdoms, a 15-year old girl must find the fabled MirrorMask in order to save the kingdom and get home.

Bardlerx Strictly average movie
Supelice Dreadfully Boring
Peereddi I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
alexandriamatthews-01960 Too similar in story line to many other films and it lacks in personality and likability. The lead girl was so annoying and such a bad actor you just can't relate to her . On a personal level I didn't enjoy the asthetics , if the idea that the cgi was meant to look cheap then it worked but for me it was getting pretty boring to look at very quickly . Looked and felt like a short budget film found on amazon prime that you would avoid .
mirek Zieg If you like Labyrinth and Alice in Wonderland you will like Mirrormask. For me is very surprising that the some ideas is possible to show in very different way and by my opinion in many ways better way. So it is kind of next step somewhere. And I love the art way how is in movie represented this magi world.
pboag Because I'm such a devout fan of Farscape - I was anticipating this movie coming out. After watching it at least 4 or 5 times - I realized it had grown on me. I just adore the characters, the artwork is so appealing to me, unique in a special way. The story reminds me a little of Stephen Kings' "The Talisman" - (Just a little). I even sent away for a poster for the movie which I've never done before. Here it is 6 years later and it's still probably one of my top 20 favorite movies. But granted - it's not for everyone! Of all my friends and family that have seen it - I'm the only one that liked it. I believe they were bored by it or just unimpressed. Not me! Wish I had the CD - I'd watch it again right now! I think it's brilliant and entertaining!
lowasah Mirrormask is heavier on image than story, but the images are so moving that they overcome the lightness of the plot. Or maybe you could even say that they add enough weight and depth to the simple story that they give the viewer a chance to make a really personal connection to the film.The protagonist flips from grey real London to a metaphor, a flat world where everyone (but her) wears a mask. Creatures of all sorts flit through this world. Cats that eat pages from books, giant stone people that float, etc. These are her drawings - and thus her inner truth - come to life. Living inside one's own creation is a strange thought. She looks through windows back into the real world and sees her older self, teenage angst and roads that lead to nowhere but trouble. I was moved by the images in mirror mask, and the idea that, inside our deepest parts there are forces of good and evil fighting for control, fighting for access to the real world. In one scene, the girl is dressed by serenading robots. "Why do birds / suddenly appear / every time / you are near?" and it is not clear if they are referring to love, obsession, or perhaps even real birds, or bird heads with gorilla bodies. Who knows, in this place? They dress the girl, put on makeup, change her hair to "evil." Even in this transition there is tenderness. Upon defeat of the black forces, the universe collapses into itself. Maybe these childhood fantasies rely on the tension between good and evil. We choose too strongly, blend the colours, and are forced out of this dynamic world into one that is uniformly grey.