PG-13 | 19 July 1996 (USA)
Multiplicity Trailers

Construction worker Doug Kinney finds that the pressures of his working life, combined with his duties to his wife Laura and daughter Jennifer leaves him with little time for himself. However, he is approached by geneticist Dr. Owen Leeds, who offers Doug a rather unusual solution to his problems: cloning.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
bent-mathiesen We all know the situation, where we have too much to do. We can also imagine the buzz in a family where one person build houses and the other sells it.So the idea of making clones is very good. And when you have a good actor like Michael Keaton - there are potential.However, the film is dumb. The main character talk to a doctor, who miraculously is able to make a clone with perfect memory in matter of hours.From there the film is dumb. A man clone himself, without telling his wife, not even just stupid, but under current rules illegal. He have not specific plan to keep it secret. Just letting his close live in a space the family don't use and let the clone do his work.And of course it goes crazy, as the clones (yes, more than one) cheat on each other and makes a mess of all.Typical "I am so stupid, I do not consider my actions" and have to be sooo funny in the awkward situations that occur.Add a little more brain, make it more believable and please no doctor that do discount on clones of the week - it could have been great.
namashi_1 Michael Keaton can never be doubted. Here's an actor who's done great work throughout his career. Right from the 1980's to the 1990's & to the 2000's, Keaton's range & confidence as a performer has only raised above. And 'Multiplicity' very correctly reaffirms that fact right. 'Multiplicity' Synopsis: A man who never has enough time for the things he wants to do is offered the opportunity to have himself duplicated.'Multiplicity' is an entertaining film. It runs smoothly & culminates way before it could have doomed. The interesting concept, gets it's due, as it's transferred on-screen efficiently. Harold Ramis's Direction, is fair. Cinematography, Editing & Art Design, are passable.Keaton's performance is truly fantastic in here. He plays 4 characters with great variety & confidence. He is the backbone of this film. Among other performances, Andie MacDowell does well, while Eugene Levy & Harris Yulin lend support. On the whole, If You're A Keaton Fan, well then 'Multiplicity' is your best bet.
sddavis63 This is not the best comedy ever made, but in all fairness I have to say that I've sat through more than a few comedies and never even cracked a smile. This one on a handful of occasions actually had me laughing out loud, so for that reason alone I have to say it's pretty solid. Michael Keaton is what makes this work so well. It's not just because he's the star - it's that he stars in four roles. It's not a costume comedy, though, which makes his performance all the better. He essentially plays the same character with tweaks and variations to differentiate between them, and he pulls it off brilliantly. Each character is a character of his own, and even the interactions between the characters he plays are pulled off flawlessly so that everything is very natural.The story is tailor made for a comedy revolving around mistaken identity. Keaton's basic character is Doug Kinney, an overworked contractor who's finding that he doesn't have time to keep everything in his life in balance. Hoping for a miracle to help keep his life together he finds himself doing some work for a geneticist who's discovered the secret of "cloning" humans. It's not scientific - the "clones" come out as exact physical replicas rather than as newborn babies with identical genetic material to the original - but this is a comedy, so who cares! It works! Starting with one clone (named, simply, "2") Doug finds that even one copy isn't enough, so he makes another (named, appropriately, "3.") 2 and 3 are completely different from Doug and polar opposites from each other. 2 is a macho, take charge type who happily takes over the contracting business but chafes about having to stay out of sight when he'd much rather be picking up women, while 3 is an effeminate, stay at home type who loves cooking and cleaning. Eventually, 2 and 3 find themselves over-burdened, and they create another clone (named - guess what - "4.") except that 4 is a copy of copy and so, therefore, imperfect, for lack of a better way to put it. Intended to make Doug's life easier, all these 3 clones do is introduce increasing chaos, and at times it is hilarious.Really the only other cast member of note is Andie MacDowell (who teams again with director Harold Ramis as she did in "Groundhog Day") as Doug's increasingly confused wife Laura. Unfortunately, the movie revolves so completely around Doug and the clones that MacDowell, while she was good enough and as always quite lovely, seemed to fade into the background more often than not, so that her talents were generally underused. She's more impressive opposite Bill Murray in "Groundhog Day" than she is here, but that's more a result of the type of movie and the role that it asked of her rather than any deficiency in her performance.This is almost two hours long - which might be a little bit too much for this type of silly comedy. It gets to that length perhaps by trying to introduce too much "drama" (if you will) in the last while about Doug and Laura's faltering marriage. Still, it's a funny movie, and Keaton's performance is worth watching. (7/10)
Eavan Masters Okay, so the premise is obviously before it's time, and there isn't too much to the plot. A guy clones himself a few times and problems/hilarity ensues. This movie could've easily gone to the b-movie shelf if not for Michael Keatons above average acting. Of course Andie MacDowell was good as his wife, but Michael Keaton steals the show. It's hard to get bored over the course of the movie because you keep wanting to see what Michael Keatons various personalities are going to do next. The effeminate Doug alone makes the movie worth a watch. My main issue is probably with the editing. I'm sure it's hard to edit one guy being multiple guys (especially in 1996) but a few of the panning shots were kinda choppy. Not a huge deal, but it does take you out of the moment for a second. This movie is probably a 7 out of 10, but giving it an 8 to make up for the undeserved 5.7. I'm pretty picky about my comedies, but this one raised itself above the pack. Consider other comedies from the same year: "Bio-Dome," "House Arrest," "Black Sheep, "Jingle All the Way," "Down Periscope." Out of all of them "Multiplicity" is the only one that I can recommend. If you like Michael Keaton, you can't miss this one. And if for some reason you don't, this movie might change your mind.