My Life
My Life
PG-13 | 12 November 1993 (USA)
My Life Trailers

It seems that Bob Jones has everything a man could want, namely a fulfilling job and a beautiful, pregnant wife, Gail. But Bob's life is turned upside-down when he is diagnosed with cancer and given four months to live -- not even enough time to see his first child's birth. To cleanse himself of demons in his remaining days, Bob makes a video diary, hoping to pass along some wisdom to his future child. Along the way, he discovers a lot about himself.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
fahlstrom I rank this low because, like most older folks I've lived through several painful losses. I didn't like it, wasn't entertained by it and can't understand why anyone would like to be depressed by a movie. Seems like it would take a form of morbid 'danse macabre' curiosity - but then again, to each their own. On the other hand, I have enjoyed several movies with the underlying theme of death at their essence like Ghost.The idea of leaving behind a video tape to teach a son about life and about yourself has some story quality but doesn't overcome the darkness of the movie.I have no complaints about the acting or production qualities and normally enjoy movies with these two leads. Keaton plays his character well and Kidman is as always, beautiful and easy to watch.
meesamcduck This movie just blew me away. It was such an incredible life-comparison film. It guided you to the core of a deep relationship between a man and a woman who are going through a difficult family crisis. I for one can compare my life to this film, i've been through a a very difficult time where i was losing both my grandparents and it's very, very hard to deal with.I think, in some cases, it's difficult to make an emotional tragedy film (along with other genres too, of course), and i'm very proud of the actors, writers, producers, and every single person involved in "My Life" because they couldn't have made it any greater than it already is.This film instantly delivers you into its atmosphere and shows you reality. Life isn't fair, and we all have to live it that way. Many individuals take advantage of life, but you don't know what you have until you don't have it anymore.Bob Jones: "Dying's a really hard way to learn about life".My personal opinion of what i think this quote means is that dying shows you how great and brutal life can be and it should be an honor that you have had the chance of experiencing it, even though death is frightening.
garylife This is one of those movies i watch so i can feel like life is worth living. It truly makes you think about why your here and what will it be like when your not. The last scene in the movie is perfect, and if you have kids you'll get it. If not, then try again after you have them, if your ever lucky enough. Michael Keaton is my favorite actor. From this to Pacific Heights to Batman, he's truly versatile and displays a humanistic quality in every character he portrays. I don't know many people who've scene this , i think its one of the rarely know jewels, but at the same time , i think its one of those movie that people relate to only if they look at life in the same way.
biltard This was 117 minutes of pure Hell and I wouldn't care if the main character winds up there! Michael Keaton used to be a funny witty smart a$$ but has now morphed into a pure dumb A$$. I'll save you $2 in rental fees and 117 minutes; He dies at the end and I for one was very glad it was over! Ten bucks says his wife taped over his video tape five minutes after watching it. I think the writer should have have died before he finished this script it might have saved us from Deep Impact and Stuart Little 2. I can't believe someone thought that a movie about a guy video taping his last thoughts was a good idea. My Uncle Walters video will was more entertaining than this movie and at least I got something out of it at the end!