Much Ado About Nothing
Much Ado About Nothing
PG-13 | 07 May 1993 (USA)
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In this Shakespearean farce, Hero and her groom-to-be, Claudio, team up with Claudio's commanding officer, Don Pedro, the week before their wedding to hatch a matchmaking scheme. Their targets are sharp-witted duo Benedick and Beatrice -- a tough task indeed, considering their corresponding distaste for love and each other. Meanwhile, meddling Don John plots to ruin the wedding.

Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
classicsoncall Reading Shakespeare is nothing like watching Kenneth Branagh direct Shakespeare. He interprets the Bard in a way that commands your attention and allows you to have a good time doing it. I actually first viewed the 2012 version of this movie done as a modern day retelling of Shakespeare's classic comedy, and I have to say, I found this work much more satisfying. It was much grander in scale and the characters came to life in a much livelier fashion. All of the principals did a fine job in their roles, and I'll go out on a limb here by saying that I enjoyed Michael Keaton's Dogberry character the most, just because he brought so much humor and wit to the role. That's not to take away from the romantic elements at the center of the story, as the principal players all turn in marvelously impassioned performances. What I wonder about is how the actors can memorize their lines of Shakespearean dialog and deliver them with such stunning ability and competence. It seems there's not a wasted phrase or moment that doesn't add clarity to the story. This is one Shakespeare inspired film I could watch again and again.
Sophie Molloy I think this was an enjoyable film that you should watch if you enjoy Shakespeare and his work. The director included a range of quotes from the play and the characters showed their personalities and emotion which really added to the drama. It had me hooked from beginning to end and having already read Much Ado About Nothing it was very interesting to see how much a difference it was when see the words shown through actors. My favourite parts were when the characters were having conversation using Shakespearean language but with the knowledge of English and the characters facial expressions you could still understand and be memorized by it. I am happy with film and the only negative thing I have to say about it is the tendency for the characters to go over the top with there expressions especially when Claudio was looking trying to give the look of sadness and heartbreak because it came across more like he was having indigestion. Apart from this the actors were great and excelled their roles perfectly.
maxhojones I first watched this film in an English lesson, when learning about the play/book it was based upon. I was immediately surprised to see such a famous cast including such big names and Kenneth Branagh, Denzel Washington, Keanu Reaves and Kate Beckinsale, along with other successful actors in smaller roles like Brian Blessed and Michael Keaton. In addition to this, this fantastic cast was not at all wasted, in that they performed their lines brilliantly and really helped you to enjoy each unique character. The writing and cinematography was also very impressive, though if i had one particular critique it would be how they often just straight-out repeated lines from the play, even going as far as to mimic entire scenes, word-for-word. This wouldn't be too much of a problem, and instead help develop the environment, had the lines been less excessive, and not sometimes just feel out of place, like they were saying them simply for the sake of it. However, in general the film was still very enjoyable and a fun watch if you are looking for an interesting film with plenty of comedy interesting, well performed characters.
brchthethird Kenneth Branagh's adaptation of Shakespeare's MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING is nothing short of astounding. With one exception, every cast member brought their A-game, resulting in a movie that is overflowing with emotion and humor. Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson play Benedick and Beatrice, Denzel Washington plays Don Pedro and Michael Keaton does an excellently weird interpretation of Dogberry. The only downside is that Keanu Reeves is stuck in the thankless role of Don John, but fortunately the role isn't that substantial. Other aspects of the movie are just as impressive, from the on-location shooting in Tuscany to the score and a few beautiful songs. Shakespeare has rarely been so fun! A must-see for Shakespeare fans and people who like romantic comedies.
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