Boot Camp
Boot Camp
R | 07 May 2008 (USA)
Boot Camp Trailers

A group of troubled teens are sent to a rehabilitation program housed in a remote camp on the island of Fiji. What their parents believe is a state-of-the-art deluxe institution in a beautiful natural environment turns out to be a prison-like boot camp where they are abused and brainwashed.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
MoviesRT I thought this was a pretty good movie and gave it a 5 at first. But after thinking about it a few days later, I realized it was a propaganda movie and lowered it to a 4. And that was being generous.First of all, when they say "based on true events" you need to take it with a grain of salt. Nothing about this movie was true. I seriously doubt there really are so called "boot camps" where stupid parents send their kids off to foreign countries to be straightened out.These days parents are so badgered for trying to discipline their kids that it's no wonder many are messed up. But some writer must have thought it would be a good idea for a movie.I remember reading that the writers of Texas Chainsaw Massacre thought it would be cool to put in "Based on true events" to make the movie more popular even though it was all made up. It worked to create a whole series of horror movies.On a side note, I actually agree with a few of the reviewers who said that these bratty spoiled kids deserved it, but in reality no parents would send their kids to the Fiji Islands to learn anything. Makes no sense.And if there really are "over 200 hundred Boot Camps..." does that mean there are 20,000 of them in the world or is that a misprint? Either way, why would parents send them to Fiji of all places? Why not to some local campsite or something? It's too stupid to think about logically.Either way, it wasn't a bad movie - not accurate - but a fun ride. Just realize you are being indoctrinated.Mila was good as usual. I liked how it ended, but wondered how come a revolt didn't happen long before. But anyway, it's all fantasy, so enjoy.
Freddiedk This very intriguing film idea, is completely let down by the writers, the director and the supporting cast. Mila Kunis, Gregory Smith and Peter Stormare all do a somewhat decent job, but it's obvious that the directing is worse than sub par. But at least the cinematography is above average. The subject of this movie is very interesting, and apparently true. This is very shocking to me, and was reason enough for me to watch the film.All in all I really hope someone takes this subject and try again, because there is a good film hidden in this somewhere. Christian Duguay and the writers just didn't uncover it.
Johnny Utah I kind of found the concept interesting. But the person who made this, focus a bit too much on the girls. Not to mention that he/she has never heard about lord of the fliesBut the movie goes a long way with showing what a bunch of mindless sheep humans are. The realty is that you wouldn't be able to run a camp like this without some reporter snooping around either by air or land. I don't give a crap if it's located in Fiji someone would poke around. **spoilers*****spoilers**spoilers**** I also found it a bit stupid that while they are walking in line, they are discussing escape plan while the other clearly can hear them. Not to mention that when the boyfriend end up on the island there is no "pretend to get know" the girlfriend he Gonna rescue, it's more like: hi nice seeing you again. Lets not forget that everyone with half a brain know that if you got a small boat, you cross the waves diagonally not head on. And when they finally escape they take in to a motel, instead of getting as far away as they can. They actually deserved to get caught. They're so stupid they should have stayed on the island. Another thing, you get accesses to garden tool but you don't kill your capturer. There are somewhat 4 guards on what 50 children? Any body told you about strength in numbers?? Let's not forget that when ever someone is in the circle they don't fight back, they just take it.If it wasn't for the fact that i know Mila uses a body double i might have giving a 2.But it still sucks to much for more than one
Steve Pulaski Most of us are used to torture porn. With movies like Cabin Fever, Hostel, The Collector, and the countless Saws its a shock we can sleep. Those are all nice, though this one is real.The movie is about Sophie (Mila Kunis). After he father's death, she is stressed out in her life. Her parents are worried about her odd and relentless behavior toward her new stepfather, so they send her to boot camp (I would have sent her to a Daddy-Daughter Dance, saves money).Boot Camp members basically brutally kidnap Sophie and take her to a remote island off of Fiji. Instead of being a training camp like expected, it turns out to be an endless abuse and embarrassment school.People are locked in holes, thrown in mud, and beat with rods when refuse to do their work or just simply tired. Sophie's boyfriend Ben (Gregory Smith) does bad to get on the island and rescue her. But the strict leader doesn't like that.In the case of torture porn Horror movies. This one is real. The events in this movie actually occur. Unlike in Saw where a killer with lollipop circles on his face tries to lock you up in traps, this one is actually likable and realistic.The concept is stunning and meaningful and makes you feel as if you lived the story happening to these characters. Not a movie to watch twice, but definitely a must see kinda movie.Starring: Mila Kunis and Gregory Smith.