Corrina, Corrina
Corrina, Corrina
PG | 12 August 1994 (USA)
Corrina, Corrina Trailers

When Manny Singer's wife dies, his young daughter Molly becomes mute and withdrawn. To help cope with looking after Molly, he hires sassy housekeeper Corrina Washington, who coaxes Molly out of her shell and shows father and daughter a whole new way of life. Manny and Corrina's friendship delights Molly and enrages the other townspeople.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
afms-97603 I thought the movie was really great overall but I expected a bit more of a development on Corrina's family, they seemed really great!What truly disappointed me was how the movie ended. Although I liked that Corrina and Manny had a happy ending, I really wanted to see her succeed in her professional life. Maybe, instead of just a bouquet of flowers, Manny could have said something about Corrina's contributions in the making of the jingle. Or helped promote her fabulous work with his contacts, help her achieve her dreams.
bousemckalyn The movie was really great. The thing i don't like about it was the ending. The movie should have went on. That's probably why there is not a lot of likes. The movie was so great though. It surprised me!! But some parts of the movie made me mad. But other than that its an amazing movie!! But there is a lot of things that should've been added to the ending. Instead of just ending it randomly. The whole move was great up to the ending cause i thought there was going to be more surprising things. I love the actors and i think they did a great job through out the movie. I like how someone made this story up cause that had to take a good writer and producer to do something so amazing like that. Thank you Jessie Nelson for writing a great story like this and making it into a film!!!
gcd70 Engaging, sweet natured comedy-drama from writer/producer/director Jessie Nelson. Story tells of a widower whose recent loss sees him hiring a maid/nanny to help keep house and mind his young daughter. The catch is Corrina is African-American, and when the two become close, society frowns. This is the fifties folks.Nelson balances his film well, and shows an obvious love of children as he indulges in several cute scenes. Whoopi Goldberg and Ray Liotta turn in serviceable performances, but it is Tina Majorino who steals the show as the lovable ragamuffin who doesn't understand why Mommy isn't coming back. Don Ameche and Joan Cusack appear briefly. Rick Cox's enjoyable score is based upon themes composed by Thomas Newman.Editor Lee Percy has allowed "Corrina, Corrina" to overstay its welcome just a little bit, but otherwise this is a touching, simple heart-warmer from Jessie Nelson that comes recommended to family audiences.Monday, April 21, 1997 - Video
Cordelia Carey I came across this movie on TV late at night when I felt like zoning out and not watching anything that was heavy or depressing and found that I really enjoyed this movie! It's heartwarming, funny, and witty. It's a good, clean movie that you can watch with your family--kids, parents, grandparents, etc. and not get embarrassed by any scenes in it. It's not a sappy movie either though it does bring up some serious issues, such as death, racism, classism, etc. but does so in a comic way that is not depressing. The acting in it is excellent. The only thing that bothered me about it slightly was the vague ending, but it was nevertheless a positive ending. So, if you'd like to watch something light and uplifting that's well-done, I recommend this movie!