Bob the Butler
Bob the Butler
PG | 10 March 2005 (USA)
Bob the Butler Trailers

Bob, an incompetent man, is searching for an available job by alphabetical order. He had just failed all of the A's, and discovers an ad in the Yellow Pages for a butler school. He is the only one in the butler school course to pass, because all of the other people quit due to the embarrassment and pressure of the teacher.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Lawbolisted Powerful
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
HomeyTao For having a relatively low budget, the film's style and overall art direction are immensely impressive.
moviewatcher I'm scarred for life. Disgusting, despicable, deplorable sorry excuse for a movie, director, adults in cast, example for children. Disney movie my foot!. :'( In this movie, at one point the most adorable pig was in the front seat and the 'butler' says: "would you like to sit with to your luau dinner?" STUPID. Then...oh, it gets worse, I swear to you that they...did...let me tell you that poor sweet soul was cowering when they pulled him out. This grieves my heart and it should yours. There's nothing 'funny', 'cool', nothing like that, unless you're devoid of human feeling. The character's meant to be 'clueless', he shouldn't be so 'clueless' that he can't recognize cruelty. Neither should the directors or anyone else.
David Holt (rawiri42) A friend brought Bob the Butler to a barbecue last evening and, after eating, a few of us sat down and watched Bob the Butler. The only actor that I had ever heard of was Brooke Shields and I immediately wondered what we were going to be in for.Well, what a very pleasant surprise! Without exception, everyone present thoroughly enjoyed what was, in all honesty a pretty predictable plot and perfectly competent acting. Afterwards, someone asked what the movie had scored on IMDb and, unsurprisingly, it only got 5.7. I say, 'unsurprisingly' because, from previous experience with IMDb, I knew that such a simple, happy, uncomplicated story would never be highly rated by voters - and that is a huge shame.There was plenty of good, clean humour and nothing to make us wonder what the point of the movie was. We didn't have to rack our brains to figure out some ridiculously complicated plot. We just sat and laughed for an hour-and-a-half!So, director Sinyaw, thank you for some great entertainment. We will be looking for some more of your work for our next barbie night and hoping that you have kept it as simple as Bob!
boatista24 This is Tom Green at his best! The only thing wrong with this film is there wasn't enough of it! I loved this movie, and frankly, I am amazed at Tom Green's ability to render such pathos. I loved his manic humor in earlier films, but this was simply superb work on his part as an actor. Brooke Shields has never been so charming, and I just loved her in this movie. She was perfectly cast for this film. Unfortunately, Tom Green spends far too much time behind the camera instead of in front of it these days, and we are losing a national treasure because of that. He now has a special place on my list of favorite actors - that I will go to the movies to see anything he is in. Tom, please star in some more movies! I will throw down ten bucks to see any movie you are in, just because you are in it!
terrencepatrix I randomly came across this movie on one of the premium channels at about 1:30am. The only reason I stopped scrolling through the channel guide was the name Tom Green. Everyone pretty much knows this name. This man wanted people to notice him, he wanted to become famous. Well he did...and what was he most known for...famous for? Being an idiot.I was a teenager during Tom Green's earlier years, and remember when he first premiered on MTV. He was an idiot, and to be honest I didn't care for his show. It was just gross shock humor and...being weird. I was more of a Jackass fan I guess. Freddy Got Fingered...I actually liked a bit more since it had somewhat of a plot, and the supporting cast worked off of Tom Green's capabilities at the time quite well. Still...stupid movie.This movie on the other hand...was actually kind of charming. I didn't feel like smacking Tom Green in the face. He's humorous without being a moron. Almost, dare I say...endearing. Almost.The basic plot is a man (Tom Green) has not as of yet found his purpose in life. He's resorted to simply trying every job there is in alphabetical order. Well he's failed his way through 'A'...and almost all of 'B', the last job in 'B' being "Butler". He takes a 5 day butler training course and is hired on by Brooke Shields (who is still smoking hot btw), who is a anal business woman with too much on her plate, to help manage her household and 2 children.Although I'm an adult, not a very good one but an adult regardless, I thought this movie was interesting enough to sit and watch all the way through. It's totally child friendly, the plot is meaningful (kind of) without being too deep, so children will get it's, albeit weak, message. Tom Green plays his character straight, amusing without being too weird, he's goofy, but still comical. No antics that he's known for, so hardcore Tom Green fans will hate this. I'd personally like to see a medium between the two. A crazy Tom Green who can act without being a complete idiot. I'd probably watch that.I gave it a 6/10 because it's a good movie. A watchable movie. Not exactly something I would spend money on though.