NR | 26 July 2013 (USA)
Stranded Trailers

The Lunar Base Ark explores ore and unexpectedly is hit by a meteor shower and has severe damages. Colonel Gerard Brauchman sends the crewwoman Ava Cameron to repair a wing that is full of CO2. Dr. Lance Krauss warns that the gas may cause paranoia and hallucinations. Ava brings a sample of the meteor for analysis and Dr. Krauss finds that there are spores attached to the meteor. Ava accidentally cuts her finger in a sample but she hides the cut from the doctor. Soon Ava gets pregnant and delivers an alien offspring. However, neither Col. Brauchman nor Dr. Kraus believes in her words and they believe that Ava is delusional. He offspring bites the crewman Bruce Johns and the crew discovers that Bruce has been cloned by the alien. Soon they find how dangerous the clone is.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
lois-lane33 This looks like it was intended for an audience of grade six kids-who will forgive anything if they get to see a film-any film. Anyone other than a twelve year old probably won't like this movie much since it is basically a dull ride with predictable events happening one after the other. It seems that they are making films like this in batches-three movies in short succession about space bases just like three movies in succession about future civilizations divided into sects aka Divergent-The Giver & The Hunger Games. Stranded is a lot like The Last Days on Mars and Europa Report. Christian Slater has vanished from movies lately so here is a chance to see him do his stuff. His acting is fine but the script isn't very interesting. If you just have to see everything they do in the science fiction style see this-otherwise-like Frank Zappa said-'save your money and don't go to the show'-sometimes it just ain't worth gong to.
Tyypo First off, there is no argument to be made that this was anything other than a bad movie. It's hard not to mention the use of common book lights as communication devices or the blatant use of miniatures for all exterior shots, as many before me already have. I was somewhat surprised that Godzilla (or Space Godzilla) did not come to finish the destruction of the moonbase after the meteor storm. The interiors were oddly typical for a sci-fi film, which was somewhat out of place.No one in this movie deserved to survive - Sorry Christian. These people made such textbook awful decisions throughout the movie that it was impossible to root for any of them. I would not trust a single one of them to feed my dog while I was on vacation, much less the lot of them to man a zillion-dollar moonbase. For a room that was allegedly on lockdown, the med bay was accessed repeatedly, and NO ONE WOULD CLOSE THE DOOR, or even MONITOR IT. Have none of these folks ever seen a sci-fi movie? Also - and I've not seen anyone address this yet - why did they think it would be a good idea to access Bruce's logs for ideas to defeat the creature? I mean, how successful was he? And did not the faux Bruce seem a little lucid and well-groomed to be legitimate? That said, I really enjoyed it. It was a perfect subject for my regular Bad Movie Night with Friends, and it did not disappoint.
robertjhale Is it possible to give zero or is 1/10 the lowest available? If it's possible, I'd like to change my rating. I watched the movie with my Chinese girlfriend and with Chinese subtitles. I don't speak the language myself but the subtitles made more sense than the movie did. It's a bad imitation of far superior genre movies such as Alien, Species or The Thing and its attempts at building suspense were so predictable that they were more laughable than scary. I've seen plenty of low budget movies that were pretty good but this most certainly wasn't one of them. The closest I can come to finding a single redeeming feature is that it was short.
OJT Stranded is a low budget sci-fi which fails on most accounts, due to a lame script and quite bad instruction of an otherwise OK plot idea, which could be described as a mix between the great Alien, Moon and Splice and some gory splatter movie.The poor actors has here been in the moist hands of director Roger Christian (cathastophy when it comes to films, amongst them the infamous Battlefield Earth) and they didn't believe a thing what they were doing. It's so sad to see this, but not even the best of actors can survive a really bad script and an awful director. When you got both, as here, they are really in a clusterfuck. I feel sorry for them, and won't hold it against them.I becomes obvious that Roger Christian should be kept far away from the industry, as he is both writer and director of this mess. Well he could direct music videos at best. This film should have been killed before birth, just what should have happened to the alien.The plot holes are enormous, and most of the film doesn't make any sense. They all act as madmen, without any reasoning.When thus from me gets a 2, is based on the idea, which could have been working, and though this is made in a tiny budget, a great script would have saved it. The entertainment value is also there, if you enjoy a bad movie. This due to the film only taking itself too seriously, with not one single nod to humor. The score is OK. The alien is also quite well made, though Thea should have forgotten the lasting tube fingers.The dialog is the worst, which all actors of course are forced to eat and breathe. It's easy too see that the actors just wanted this travesty to be over. When the film ends, you are happy that it kept under 90 minutes. Watching only if you're a sucker for bad movies! Please keep Roger Cristian away from pens and cameras in the future. Or pay him to be sent out in space. Anyone who even thinks about giving him the money to make a film (yes I know he has a new one finishing now) should be tortured with watching this and Battlefield Earth in slow motion first, in a Clockwork Orange style. That should prevent us for further predicaments.