R | 30 September 1999 (USA)
Futuresport Trailers

In the not too distant future, a new deadly sport is the only way to stop a war that will kill millions. Fix is the creator of the sport, but the spotlight has always been on Ramzey. Now this hothead must use the game to stop the Revolution.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Asad Almond A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
bob the moo In the future the NBA has collapsed to be replaced by Future Sport - a new sport combining skateboarding and basketball. The world order has also changed and the North American Alliance is at war with the Hawaiian Liberation Organisation over territory. Future Sport star Tre Ramsey gets drawn into the conflict and offers the solution - a game of Future Sport where the winning country takes all. However with street rules applying and the HLO team being coached by the game's inventor Fixx the stakes are high.This vaguely similar to Rollerball in it's view of sport in the future - even the game itself is quite similar. However that's where the comparisons end - with Rollerball the plot was quite intelligent, the sport being the way that the ruling forces show the masses the futility of individual action. Here the film starts with some comments about the spirit of the sport being lost since becoming big time and this should be taken as a comment on the NFL, NBA etc. However after this it stops being intelligent and goes into a plot where a sportsman can decide to stop war by declaring a game that both warring factions seem happy to accept. It really is so unlikely that it's hard to even dispel disbelief for 90 minutes....I mean Hawaii versus USA? I don't care how far in the future the film is set but that's never going to be believable.The film itself is visually poor. Special effects look computer generated and don't fit in with the life action and the sport action is almost dull - with some shots of people getting hit used more than once. In rollerball the action was at least a little exciting, here we all now whose going to win and the director moves it all so fast that we don't get a chance to get into the drama of the game.Cain shows that TV is the media he belongs in by giving a cocky performance that lacks charisma. He does try to be a bad guy who turns good but he's not convincing in either - in fairness he does get better towards the end as his character gets more sympathetic. Williams is OK but she's not leading material - in fact the film almost seems to be looking for reasons to keep her round (she interviews him, she is his ex, she gets info on the HLO, she gets kidnapped etc), but she is the most believable of the characters. Snipes is terrible - he clearly did this to get the Ex. Producer credit - he does an awful accent through out and seems to only turn up to say something profound or to save the day.Overall a pretty poor film - go and watch the much better Rollerball with James Cann.
bfindley 7 Years after Rollerball (2025 AD) - The Sport "Future Sport" ( a combination of Extreme Rolelr Skating and Shot Put) has taken over the world. The Los Angeles teams meets Berlin in the finals in New Orleans and are in fact favored. The game however is a Berlin Upset due to one L A player more intrested in individual records than team work. Yet in the meantime , a Pacific Island terrorist group (with it's own F S team) is planning to withdraw the Pacific Islands from North American soverignty, and actually draw up their own Declaration of Independence, not recognizing the results of the 2024 A D North American Elections. Fixx, the inventor of the game (Wesley Snipes) inititally invented the game after basketball completely and suddenly collapsed (As a way for street gangs to solve their turf battles in a more socially acceptable manner) yet dons the uniform to help the North American Continental Mainland Future Sport Team versus Honolulu. If Honoluulu Wins, Hawaii and the Pacific islands win their own soverignty. No questions asked. Check it out.
LadyWolf-3 This movie had all the key plot points, and was predictable, but the action was great and the scenes were well choreographed. Vanessa Williams brought a touch of class to it, and Dean Cain proved his potential as a leading man in the action genre. But of course, Wesley Snipes made the movie, as he usually does. Solid performances all around. A fun movie I'll definitely watch again.
CitizenK-3 Judging by the ratings of the film, there is serious doubt "Futuresport" will return as a television series. I had a difficult time believing the acting, especially during the first hour, and the (so-called) plot. Perhaps I'm being too harsh, but "Futuresport" does not deserve a rating over 5. Poor choice by Dean Cain in accepting the role of Tre Ramsey.CitizenK-3