The Harrad Experiment
The Harrad Experiment
R | 11 May 1973 (USA)
The Harrad Experiment Trailers

At fictional Harrad College students learn about sexuality and experiment with each other. Based on the 1962 book of the same name by Robert Rimmer, this movie deals with the concept of free love during the height of the sexual revolution which took place in the United States.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
fedor8 Utterly silly story - based on a novel, amazingly - about a hippie-era coed commune/college where the students have nude classes, etc. This could easily have been a comedy i.e. satire/parody of the hippie era - that's how ludicrous and awful it is.To say that time hasn't been kind to this laughable little oddity would be putting it very mildly; what was once regarded as a revolutionary new way of thinking about life and the universe comes off today as rather pathetic, extremely naive - and just downright idiotic. Hence it's no wonder that the dialog sounds unbelievably corny, phony, naive, and very often crosses over into B-movie territory. The beginning of the movie shows a girl hugging a tree: this pretty much sets the intellectual tone for the rest of the proceedings.The movie's pluses are the unintentional humour (obviously), the 70s charm, and some nudity. The nudity unfortunately isn't on the usual 70s high level; namely, the women are mostly flat-chested.The most inane moments: the lesson in properly doing the "zoom", Tippi Hedren trying to make a point to Don Johnson by suggesting sex in the field, the cowardly and unsatisfactory answer by Hedren and her husband when confronted with a question about their own hypocrisy of a monogamous marriage, Johnson getting punched in the nose, Kirby's initial encounter with his roommate and the ensuing dialog, Kirby being set up by Johnson suggesting a roommate switch - and the list goes on and on.If this piece of crap is funny NOW, I can't imagine how it will look in a couple of decades.
nature_okie I had seen the release version without "regional editing for content," at the Naro Expanded Cinema in Norfolk VA.It was an amazing, poignant, multi-faceted tale about inhibitions, and boundaries.There was A LOT of casual frontal nudity, male and female.Seeing this movie on DVD recently, AND I WISH I KNEW THE BRAND NAME TO TELL YOU WHICH TO AVOID, It was a hacked third rate print that had the sound cut-out on moderate swear words; and virtually ALL frontal nudity.It angered me that when the film first traveled around the country, some power mongers, wanted to dictate what others should not view, after getting a good show themselves, of course.This particular print was battle-scarred, but still had enough TRUTH sneak through the overzealous censors, who were too stupid to notice that while they cut out the nudity and profanity, the subtle dynamics of the various relationships SCREAMED for freedom. BOTH for the Characters AND the Viewers.In respect to the plot, about students attending a co-ed school wherein the genders were integrated in the same dorm rooms, and physical relationships encouraged to be activated; the movie IF remade today would press forward with RACIAL STEREOTYPING and SEXUAL ORIENTATION as well.I Fear, however, It would be, at the loss of the beautiful, lingering frontal nudity of 1970's American Art Cinema.This beautiful little film, more especially if you can get a pure print, is a MUST-ADD to your movie appreciation club's program.
Doug I just purchased the DVD of this movie and I wasn't very pleased. In fact the DVD was so bad that I can't really give the movie a fair rating or review. First, the print was awful..very washed out scratchy. Second, and worst of all, the film was obviously cut. It looked as if they used a "TV" version of the film. Every possible "bad" word was cut from the film any scenes that might offend, that is any and all nudity. And for a film such as this one that's really crime since the nudity is one of the main points of the film. The company that released this DVD (I think it was Platinum or something like that) deserves to go out of business. And if should be a crime to release any film on DVD that's been cut and that hasn't been remastered from the best possible source. A total waste of money.
froggy1 Have to agree with a previous reviewer. Some outfit called Platinum Disc has put out a videotape of this movie that is not the theatrical version, but was instead apparently taped off a TV broadcast: low quality, no nude scenes, bleeped language. And the worse part is, way dated. This version gets a "2". Even with the missing 6 minutes restored, probably no higher than 3-4.