The Tunnel
The Tunnel
NR | 19 May 2011 (USA)
The Tunnel Trailers

In 2007, in the midst of the drought and water shortages, the NSW State government has unveiled plans to tap into and recycle millions of litres of water trapped in a network of abandoned train tunnels just beneath the heart of Sydney. However the government suddenly goes cold on the plan and it is not made public why. There is talk of homeless people who use the tunnel as shelter going missing, even though the government states that there are no homeless people in there. This, and the silence from the officials and ministers, leads a journalist, Natasha to begin an investigation into a government cover-up. She and her crew Pete (Producer), Steve (Cameraman) and Tangles (Sound Technichian) decide to investigate the story in the tunnel.

JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
nysalesman Watched (more accurately: tried to watch) this movie based on the good reviews. Another Cloverfield, Rec, Paranormal Activity, or a mix of the three. One review even guaranteed that "you will be scared." Could it be that these people really watched the same movie? Or are they just studio hacks and friends of the producers/actors?The saddest thing is that the reviews didn't raise my expectations. I expected this to be a low budget movie that happens to be entertaining enough to give a watch. It wasn't.I found this movie poorly made, poorly executed, and extremely tedious. So much so, that I had to turn it off after the first 45 minutes as I kept finding myself falling asleep. The only horror in this movie is that it is horrible.You've been warned, so watch it at your own risk; or as a cure for insomnia.
erinalane Please, please, please, please, please don't watch this movie!!!! Let me tell you what I experienced as I watched this movie....Husband is gone for the night... yes.. horror movie night tonight!!!! I am the sickest, most earnest horror movie lover girl... then I put this horrible movie on... dear god, I have to say, this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen!!! I would have put that in caps! And I totally go for underrated horror movies!!!! When I was about 25 minutes in, I kept the movie rolling and had to write this review. Listen, I want my four bucks back from Amazon, and I want to implore other horror movie lovers not to watch this crap. It really is crap. I like a lot of terrible horror movies to my delight... usually... Yet, it was so boring that I actually had to write this badly written movie review, JUST to tell you how bad it was. There is nothing happening... it is an obviously fake documentary movie, but not even on a good way!!! It has no appeal, no scary parts whatsoever!!!! I am so angry that I have wasted my time with this movie that I am truly bummed, and I shouldn't be this mad, because I am. I normally write really thoughtful movie reviews, but this one really did it to me. Don't watch it! Save your time and life11!! Ugh!! (Phew!)
petermartin-01913 Or was this just awful? Derivative to the point of parody but not self aware enough to play it for laughs. The lack of any spark of originality would be alright if it weren't also utterly unconvincing at almost every step. Add to that a framing device that sucks all the tension out of the drama and you're left wondering what the writers were thinking. It's hard to blame the actors as there's not much to work with, but they manage to either barely register or irritate. What frustrated most is that the setting is genuinely creepy and they even manage one good scene, but it's way too little, way too late. A few seconds of atmosphere in a seemingly endless ninety minutes of dreary exposition and aimless, hysterical panic is not enough. God only knows why the average rating is so high on here. Are people accidentally rating the TV series of the same name? Or have they been threatened with a sequel if they don't inflate their grade? Please don't make a follow up ... this was already a massive number two.
Bloodmarsh Krackoon 'The Tunnel' is a micro budget found footage horror film that holds it's own against most of the big budget horror films released in the last several years - and in many of those cases, surpasses them.The first quarter of the film has a nice slow pace, getting us familiar with the story and it's characters - which certainly isn't a bad thing. Although, I will admit, I was starting to get slightly impatient. The acting, for the most part, is solid all around. They say you get what you pay for, so in this case, they got more than expected. Once the group enters the tunnel, that's when the fun begins - the lighting is what it is, not the best, but after I realized they went for the less is more approach, the lighting or lack thereof is going to be a huge factor in the scares that lie ahead, and there's plenty. We never get a clear shot at the 'monster,' but they give us just enough to keep us interested. It's what you DON'T see, that really makes 'The Tunnel' a frightening fun ride. If you can find this gem, do not hesitate to give it a shot. Random Ramblings of a Madman: I hear there's a sequel planned, so hopefully they won't struggle for funds, the way they struggled here. It's fairly annoying seeing bad films like 'The Gallows' get the funds needed, while small films like 'The Tunnel' struggle to get released. Oh, and remember - less IS more. Do not ruin the sequel, please.