Insidious: Chapter 2
Insidious: Chapter 2
PG-13 | 13 September 2013 (USA)
Insidious: Chapter 2 Trailers

The haunted Lambert family seeks to uncover the mysterious childhood secret that has left them dangerously connected to the spirit world.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
dannydc-07666 The Second chapter for this awesome horror series picks off exactly from the end of the first movie with the death of Elise. This time its Josh who is affected with the image of the woman in black from his childhood. Josh is a suspect for the death of Elise, so they stay with his mother Lorraine whilst police check for evidence. However, shortly after their arrival, the parasites then begin to try and take over Josh's body; as he has been to the Further before.The second chapter is very similar to the first. However their is more showings of the other characters. There are many scary scenes, and an awful lot of job scares. There is also a change of scenery then the old house, as about half hour of the film shows an abandoned hospital. The thing that i really like here is how the ghost that Josh has been seeing was a patient in the hospital, who use to dress up as the woman to commit murders. I thought that this was a clever idea. I still feel that chapter 1 was slightly better than the second one. This is because the story was much more simple, and easier to understand than the second one. But again, actors are outstanding, music is awesome and the jump scares are fantastic. This is turning out to be one of my favorite horror series, and i recommend this title.
Horst in Translation ( The 105-minute "Insidious: Chapter 2" is an American horror film from 2013, so this one will have its 5th anniversary next year. The title already gives away that this is a sequel and also what it follows up to. They got basically back all the key players from the first film in terms of cast, but also writer and director James Wan came back, which is no surprise as the first was really a big success and it was also a pretty good movie in my opinion. By the way, the gap between films 1 and 2 was 3 years and 2 years later, the third film followed. A 4th film seems in the making now, so the franchise is still going strong. Or somewhat strong I guess. But now back to this original sequel: I personally liked the first and I was pretty disappointed by how forgettable this one turned out. The atmospheric take was fairly shoddy, the actors are not given any material to shine either. Overall, the story-telling is extremely mediocre. There is not one point where this film is really on failure level, but it's also never above-average and the first was throughout its entirety. A horror films always defines itself through the scare factor and this one is packed with jump scares that honestly are more on the side of waking the audience up again than entertaining or frightening it, even if admittedly some of the creatures used during these jump scare moments didn't look too bad. Byrne's (still) amazing looks cannot make up for the films gigantic weaknesses in so many other areas of production. The series should have ended after this sequel, or even better before it as I am not too hopeful about the next movies being any better as the main cast seems gone. Anyway, what else can you say here. It's probably not an overrated film at all as the reception wasn't on a good level by any definition, but the curiosity about what happens next may turn this into the epitome of an overseen movie (don't mix this up with "overlooked") as in the sense of the opposite of underseen if I see how many rated this one here on IMDb, even got above the magical 100k ratings mark. Liking the first is not reason enough to watch this one. Loving maybe. Or just a huge interest in horror films in particular. But the different worlds/spheres scenes at the core of the film's plot are just so difficult to like and appreciate for me. I give this one a thumbs-down. A clear decline in quality is undeniable and you may wanna skip it.
IMBdUser1002 The ending of the first Insidious will make any viewer NEED to immediately watch this sequel. I've never seen a more intense cliffhanger movie ending. I found Insidious: Chapter 2 to be a great addition to the first movie, although I think the first one was slightly better as a movie. Insidious: Chapter 2 takes place directly after the first, and continues with part of the plots conflict. The movie does take a similar haunting theme, although it is slightly different as the first. I found this movie more engaging as the first, because it makes you think a lot about the unknown pieces of information that would reveal import clues to the mystery part of the movie. I would say the first movie was scarier, but this movie was slightly jumpier. (I might be wrong) But I liked this movie, and if you've watched the first movie, you gotta watch this. If you're new to the Insidious series, it's great, start with the first movie. I would totally recommend this movie (& the Insidious series) to any fan of horror. I also find these movies incredible movies in general. I rate Insidious: Chapter 2 8/10.
Devon Elson (absolutetravist) Tobe Hooper made the often-cited scariest movie ever made, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. For twelve years, fans demanded more but how could Hooper top what was claimed perfection? A balls to the wall parody of the original was the only way to find new insanity.Horror tag team Wan and Whannell struck the same success, almost 100 times profit on their budget. Insidious 2 was a no-brainer and although they don't go for broke like Hooper, this sequel possesses the formula of the original with entirely bizarre new life. Constantly teasing those similar moments of cleverness found in the first Saw, Insidious 2 addresses the first and instills new meaning behind some of the scares.Much like the first, there is an even more apparent mix of warm familiarity and strange originality. Working with classic conventions of haunted houses and possessions, the Insidious films have an old school feeling. Not just reminiscent of the similar Poltergeist but even further back to Méliès and Wiene surreal theatrics of silent horrors. Even if you aren't part of the masses who jump at every piercing stinger of the dilapidated score, there are plenty of kooky visuals that make exploring the afterlife fun.As for the story, this is where the sequel falls short of the initial success in less is more. If you were critical on that third act turn to more Beetlejuice-esque antics, then this one delivers that in spades. With multiple stories all interweaving through time and worlds, the intense engagement of the first is diminished noticeably. While unabashedly fun, it becomes harder to relate to the continued hauntings of the Lamberts.Patrick Wilson is delightfully hammy, genuinely performing as if he were a spirit excited to torment people once again in the living world. Unfortunately, his standout delivery leaves the always wonderful Rose Byrne and the rest of the cast looking clueless as to his not-so- secret condition.The elegant subtitle of Chapter 2 perfectly encapsulates the film. Very much a straight-forward continuation of the first Insidious, but building on fresh and entertaining elements only introduced late into Chapter 1.