Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement
Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement
| 01 November 2007 (USA)
Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement Trailers

For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
A.N. The problem with Alex Jones and other conspiracy theorists is their failure to account for multiple lines of causation and accidental trends based on human nature, which provide an Occam's Razor explanation that requires no conspiracies. Sure, there are some people plotting bad things behind the scenes, but they tend to be in scattered groups with limited power.But Jones sees conspiracies everywhere and forces disparate pieces of evidence to fit that assumption. He inserts just enough truth to hook gullible minds and fellow sufferers of the "Dunning-Kruger effect." It does take a certain cleverness to invent compelling twists and turns, but it's not wise cleverness. Jones seems to be a megalomaniac who wants people to think he's got the ultimate insight. Conspiracy theorists find rational explanations boring, so he'll always have an audience.The New World Order (a phrase taken out of context from old speeches) can be explained by trends in global commerce, encouraged by economic growthism that chases dwindling natural resources and finds "emerging markets" as existing ones play out. It may seem like they want to control people, but they mostly want to exploit physical matter around the globe. There is no need to layer mysteries on top of the natural human tendency toward gluttony and resource pillaging. Most of it is happening in plain sight.Regarding Jones' theories on population-control, it shouldn't take a vast NWO plot to notice that Man is overloading the Earth's carrying capacity and we need to lower birthrates to replacement levels ASAP. Nature will kill off (and already is killing off) millions of people via starvation long before the "elites" can poison the water.It's reckless to portray the serious need for growth cessation as an evil conspiracy. Smart people should downsize voluntarily, given so much evidence of resource depletion. Does Jones propose that we keep adding 80 million more people each year to this finite planet indefinitely, with so much existing overload? Historical genocides are often linked to population pressures in poor regions, even though they get passed off as "politics." Study root causes of the Rwanda massacre, for example.Jones also seems to be an evolution denier, and dismisses the science behind global warming in favor of conspiratorial plots. The notion that thousands of climate scientists have been colluding to raise taxes and control people is ludicrous (the CO2 warming effect was first noticed in the 1800s). AGW was all about physics until the lunatic Right grabbed the issue. Jones' interpretation of such things reveals his "scientific" thought process, which is anything but. He was at his best as an animated character in a Linklater film, and should have stuck with dark comedy.
roko-10 Alex Jones' documentaries are wrought with intrigue and paranoia.This is what makes them so entertaining.Once again his old enemies are afoot.The New World order are having a pow wow.The Bilderberg group,made up of major powerbrokers,bankers and leading politicians,is meeting again and Alex and his crew are picketting the meeting and reporting on those arriving at the meeting. Of course this is just a springboard for Jones'delivery of information about the global elite who control the planet and manipulate wars on the planet to accrue wealth. Top stuff if you like this sort of thing.Yes,the truth is out there and fascinating when presented by the likes of Conspiracy Celeb Alex Jones.
stormlord-2 Having just watched Endgame I thought I would share a few thoughts with you all. Firstly the doco is well made, most of Jone's work is. And it certainly covers an interesting topic. However I must confess that it failed to convince me in any way that the "elite" whoever "they" are are planning to wipe out 80% of humanity while they live on forever in paradise, it all sounds like a b-grade sci-fi horror film to me.For one thing as I pointed out earlier Jones fails to even tell us exactly who the "New World Order" are. He continually uses vague words like "The Elite" and "Them" and "They" so Its impossible to know exactly who he is talking about. He also fails to gave any evidence at all as to how exactly 80% of the worlds population is to be wiped out, how the rest are to be herded into huge cities, or how the elite are going to live forever. He just gives us a few jingles about genetics.It's hard to know if Jones is onto something or if the guy is just paranoid. I consider myself to have an open mind, however an open mind still requires facts, Jones fails to deliver. I will however continue to watch the power brokers around the world and will certainly keep an eye open for any major calamity heading our way. If Jones wants to convince free thinking informed people that Armageddon is just around the corner he is going to have to do a lot better than this.
lgorenc Alex Jones is a modern day messiah. Not in a religious way, but as the voice of reason crying in the desert. He has dedicated his life trying to wake up drowsy population from its slumber and to point out real issues of today's world of hypocrisy. This courageous, provocative and controversial investigative journalist, cinematographer and radio show host, in his attempt to uncover false flag terrorism, deprivation of human and civil rights and the introduction of world government and police state in US, tries to put up all the pieces of the big picture and present it to the ignorant world. He has made a number of documentaries and short videos disclosing the complex New World Order secret societies' agenda in a very thorough and detailed way. Among those is a shocking video made in 2000, when Alex sneaked inside Bohemian Grove, a redwood forest retreat near San Francisco, where the most powerful men of the world such as presidents, prime ministers, bankers, royalty, businessmen and even actors secretly gather each year, and shot an obscure cult ceremony of sacrificing human effigy to the giant stone owl by the men dressed in devil worshippers' hoods and documented GWB's affiliation with the Yale's cult Skull and Bones.In his striking documentaries, he tries to show that today's society is under the thumb of handful of people who own and control most of the world's governments and resources, thus the wars and crisis too. They create problems so they could use their predefined solutions. This movie shows a grim prediction based on hard facts of things that may come in the near future - one world government keen on depopulating the world and enslaving what's rest of it, while the elite would live forever by taking advantage of modern science and eugenics. Taking in account that Alex have predicted 911 attacks and accused the government for it just a couple of months before the actual events took place, one may become disturbed that this premonition of his may become reality once again, for it is based on a decade of research and experience in dealing with this hidden in plain sight agenda. He is in no way clairvoyant, he just saw and realized what most of the people still can't, so he knows who is he dealing with and what they're capable of. Not because he's smarter than the rest of us, but because the large majority of people find football scores or Britney's haircut more important than any form of knowledge, especially knowledge that has been deliberately hidden from us for centuries, if not millenniums. If we all could come to our senses, we would be able to see that we are being hoaxed, robbed, controlled, deprived and debt-enslaved by the powers outside our perspective. We call it 'the system'. As long as we play along, democracy is the game in which these secret societies are bound to win, for they control the candidate, the party, and the policy predestined to win. Alex once said: "Democracy is when two wolves and a sheep vote on what's for dinner". My friend Dave went even further: "No, democracy is when vultures make the wolves and sheep believe they're voting on what's for dinner". I think this sums up what Endgame is all about.Ask yourself why this world of humane atheists, good Samaritans, merciful Muslims and meek Buddhists is the world of misery, a gloomy world in which we invade sovereign countries, kill innocent civilians, women and children, tagged as collateral damage, a world in which we spend billions on weapons and wars, not on food, a world where people die of starvation, while we're saving turtles and toads, a world we're trying to save from alleged global warming by introducing another tax, while testing nukes or dropping thousands of tons of napalm and depleted uranium. And while we just sit there and do nothing, at least Alex is out there somewhere with his bullhorn and camera.I am disappointed by the rating and the number of votes here. I'm sure we've all seen National Treasure though and gave it a good rating. Watch his films. Educate yourself. Open your eyes. Stand up for your rights.