NR | 20 September 2013 (USA)
+1 Trailers

Three college friends hit the biggest party of the year, where a mysterious phenomenon disrupts the night, quickly descending into a chaos that challenges their friendships - and whether they can stay alive.

Skunkyrate Gripping story with well-crafted characters
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Beulah Bram A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
NahuelHuapi I will never understand how excellent films like this get a score of 5 or 6. They are the best and, even if I tried, i wouldn't be able of finding anything wrong about them. So then, why do these films get a regular score instead of an excellent one like they deserve It? Maybe it's because it's related to teen parties and oldies don't like that. I don't know, that's the only explanation I can think of. Maybe because it has a sex scene and some parents don't like that? I seriously have no clue at all. Are they jealous? Seriously, I DON'T UNDERSTAND. It's a fast film, It has occasional and well-fit comedy, It has a very interesting time paradox that's like a mindf***, It includes three great stars who you can be related with, It has moments where you can see how fu**** is the human in one very particular scene. IT HAS EVERYTHING! This is excellence for me. I'll never understand how AWESOME movies like this pass by so fast and get so underrated. It's not in the Top 10 best films i've seen but It's excellent and deserves such a better score than that one. Anyway, this will remain as another one of the many mysteries that there are in life. 10/10.
jtncsmistad "+1" is the kind of a movie where you have just got to be sold on the premise. That being that some manner of mysterious asteroid has struck our earth and is producing sinister doppelgangers of everyone in the immediate vicinity of it's crash site. Therein lies the foundation for this exceedingly odd yet mildly engrossing and mostly worth the while story (say, 2 3/4 out of 5 stars) written and directed by Dennis Iliadis, whose previous project was the 2009 remake of "The Last House on the Left".The plot revolves in and around a completely hedonistic pagan ritual of a college bash thrown by a rich kid in his folks mansion while the parental units are away. David (Rhys Wakefield) has just fallen out of favor with his girlfriend (Ashley Hinshaw) of two years (this courtship time period is reiterated several times in the flick for no apparent purpose) and is on a mission to patch things up at this swingin' soiree. The mission proves to be easier said than done, however, as body duplicates and time dimensions get as screwy and scrambled up as the alcohol and drug-addled brains of the preponderance of partiers.And just as we come to believe that it's ostensibly a case of all's well that ends well (well, mostly), we get this glimpse of a final image that seems to be telling us, "Hey. Not so fast there, bub." And here we go again...
xtcnbliss The movie definitely has a interesting and unique premise, the idea of self at each instance of time and meeting oneself from a different moment and not knowing what to do, and wondering if you're friend or foe to yourself. I think the idea of this movie is ingenious. The complexity becomes time. This is where most movies don't deliver, they treat time linearly, but it runs multi dimensionally, where you exist now and you that happened 15 minutes ago exists now also. The idea of dimensional collision, similarly like movie "Coherence" is so grasping that the execution becomes the key. It's a scary thought and enchanting that you could fix your mistakes, I just find it hard to understand the merge of these worlds, because these planes collide, what is truly left? So without giving too much away watch it and love it.
callanvass David (Wakefield) makes out with another woman in front of his long-time girlfriend, Jill (Hinshaw) and gets dumped in the process. David shows up at a party to try to get Jill back, but there is a little detour along the way. People show up at the party that look EXACTLY like everybody else. It's been a few months since I've seen this, so forgive me if my review is a little crappy. I didn't mind this one at all. It borrows a lot from stuff like Invasion of The Body Snatchers & Night of The Creeps though. I wouldn't call that a bad thing, as it was a nice little homage. This is also a decent homage to the 80's. This didn't feel like something that was made in 2013. This felt like it was made in the late 70's, early 80's. It focuses on fun, first and foremost. It even throws in a tragic love story. My big issue was that everything was quite vague. Not enough is explained for my liking. I had fun, but more explanation was very much necessary. It doesn't have the script to be ambitious like it wanted to be. Gore lovers will be semi- pleased. We get Stabbings, bullet to the head, rake to the eyes, and more. Not a gore fest, but good enough. Acting is quite solid. Rhys Wakefield is a creepy looking dude, but very likable at the same time. I was on his side the whole way on his journey to get Jill back. Some of you will recognize him from The Purge. Ashley Hinshaw's actions are frustrating to deal with, but understandable. She ended up winning me over in the end. Rest of the cast is fineAs long as you don't expect the world, you should have a decent time. It's fun if you put your brain aside for a while and ignore all the plot-holes. 6.3/10