NR | 10 October 2014 (USA)
#Stuck Trailers

A hot one-night stand turns into an awkward morning after when Guy and Holly get stuck in a dead-stopped traffic jam.

Micransix Crappy film
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
The Couchpotatoes I watched this movie on a sunny afternoon. I should have gone outside though and enjoy the sun. Instead of that I fought against sleep. Eventually I didn't lose the battle against sleep and I don't know if that was a smart move of me. Sleeping would have been more satisfying and enjoyable. The story is for almost the entire movie just a conversation of two people that had a one night stand. They're stuck in traffic and just start an awkward conversation. That's the story, there is nothing more to it. The two characters are played by Madeline Zima and Joel David Moore. Besides Madeline Zima being a candy for the eye the rest is just boring. Without being a sexist or so I think this flick will please women more than men, I'm pretty sure about that, and that's again without being sexist. A waste of my time.
Lugo1989 This was a real joy to watch. It's light, funny and witty. The story is very simple and most of it takes place in a car stuck in heavy traffic and yet it never gets boring. The characters are both well written and charming and the dialogue is great. Both lead actors did a really good job and made their characters really believable, the chemistry between them is great too.It would be great if films like this would get more promotion and wider release so even more people could enjoy them.If you are looking for something relaxing, smart or a nice date movie, this is your choice.
thekarmicnomad Two people are forced to extend a one night stand due to a huge traffic jam.This film is the rarest of beasts: a clever comedy that is actually funny.Most of the action is inside the car with the two struggling to pass the time, the rest is flash backs of the drunken night that led up to their predicament.At first I thought they made an unlikely couple, but the chemistry between them is great. Lots of the comedy is observational and very sharp.It is nice to find something that has a little depth but is still light and funny (this is no "Broken Flowers" or "Lost in Translation" yawn fest)If you are a fan of the Seth Rogan kind of humor you may find this a little bland and tame. For me it was perfect.I loved both characters and really got invested. The pace of the film is quite slow and considered. To break up the narrative you get snap shots of the people trapped in the jam around them.A great, subtle, funny, clever little movie.
bobbyhollywood I decided to watch this movie because it was available on cable, and the price was right. Also the idea, I felt was a good one. Having lived in Los Angeles most of my life.At first I had to get involved, Ms. Zima coming into view helped that. Then as things developed I was slowly getting hooked.The association of Ms. Zima and Mr. Moore came across as a very good one, and they earned their wages with the performances they gave.Many years ago I wrote a little story about someone being chased on the freeway system in Los Angeles, and how lonely it really was, even though all those people were there. In this movie it captures some of that loneliness, which I don't think many relate with. I really liked Ms. Zima's finger switch, an old gag but not seen in many years.A really fun movie, and worth the admission price, if you can - watch it.Also Mr. Moore is in the television show Forever, and does some good work.