20th Century Women
20th Century Women
R | 28 December 2016 (USA)
20th Century Women Trailers

In 1979 Santa Barbara, California, Dorothea Fields is a determined single mother in her mid-50s who is raising her adolescent son, Jamie, at a moment brimming with cultural change and rebellion. Dorothea enlists the help of two younger women – Abbie, a free-spirited punk artist living as a boarder in the Fields' home and Julie, a savvy and provocative teenage neighbour – to help with Jamie's upbringing.

Libramedi Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
M B When this movie started, I didn't exactly know where it was headed. However, it took a turn and became so beautiful. The characters felt so real - all of them had their own struggles, their imperfections and their insecurities. Another thing which I loved about this film was that the women were so strong, yet so ordinary. The part on feminism was the absolute best!
leeroyreddy My decision to watch this film was predicated entirely on it's cast, a stellar lineup that boasts Annette Bening, Elle Fanning, Greta Gerwig, Billy Crudup and relative newcomer Lucas jade Zumann.Set at the tail end of the 1970's the story centers around Dorothea, a middle aged woman who is raising her teenage son in what, at the time, would be considered a fairly unconventional fashion.Realizing that her son is coming of age and with no fraternal influence or strong male role model present she seeks the help of Abbie, a young artist who lodges with the family, along with Julie - her son's best friend, to assist in the upbringing of her 15 year old son, Jamie.Dorothea, played by Bening, is a symphony of contradictions. All at once she is progressive and traditional. She is confident yet flaky. Bening portrays this complicated woman with such incredible conviction and poise, and despite the absence of grandstanding emotional outbursts she delivers what I believe to be an Oscar worthy performance. Fanning and Gerwig turn in fantastic performances too, both doing so with subtlety and charm which caused me to feel genuine empathy for their troubled characters. Lucas Jade Zumann puts forth a fine turn also as the sensitive young man who is seeking to find truth in his life and frustrated at his mother's reluctance to do the same.The film moves at mellow but fairly active pace and uses a nice technique involving duel narration from both Bening's character as well as her son. The soundtrack is also worthy of mention too. An excellent mix of songs from the period including two tracks from the Talking Heads - never a bad thing.In all, writer & director Mike Mills manages to draw from his own experiences as a young man an produce an incredibly sweet, heartfelt and sentimental piece of work that really captures this pivotal period of history. Tackling issues such as personal identity, fear of change and what it all means to let go of the past and embrace the future. A very fine film and outstanding performances from all involved!
Lukas Labisch The most significant aspect about this movie is that the main character (the kid) is in the middle of the story but also is not. It is more about the influence of other people on him then growing up. His education in different ways is the most interesting idea of the writers. Both Elle Fanning and Greta Gerwig are well written characters and add an new layer to the movie (esp. in the middle part and towards the end). Annette Bening as mother is also well performed and illustrates a contrast to the other two women although she is also busy with raising her child.The movie has a nice atmosphere, good dialogue (esp. when talking about the life) and convinces with mostly interesting characters and an all in all worthwhile story.In contrary the movie is quite wordy in the first part and the story is well written but sometimes to monotonous. I also think that they could've gone more in debt with the character development esp. of the kid's character.So should you see it? Yes! If you want to watch a soft drama about life and growing up you won't be disappointed. With some vivid scenes and the life itself as an overall topic the movie masters to create an optimistic atmosphere. If this isn't your style you should probably leave this one out.
Prismark10 Writer and director Mike Mills film follows the lives of five people living in a house in southern California in 1979 and three generation of women.Dorothea (Annette Bening) a divorced woman in her mid 50s is raising her teenage son Jamie (Lucas Jade Zumann) and concerned to raise him properly especially as he has no male role models. Jamie is making his own way through life as a growing teenager, he has a close relationship with neighbour Julie (Elle Fanning) who sneaks into his bedroom often but she might be pregnant from a casual encounter with another teenager.Also living in the house is orange haired punk Abbie (Greta Gerwig), a young photographer and cancer survivor and hippy William (Billy Crudup) a kind of handyman and who makes things with his hands. He begins a relationship with Abbie but he is a popular guy with the ladies.The film follows how these oddball group of characters have an impact on the lives of Dorothea and Jamie as times are changing. Even President Carter is uncertain about the times. America is moving on to a new decade and indeed soon to a new president. With these changing times the characters are concerned what music and dance are considered cool or not.This is a well acted ensemble piece with the just right amount of kookiness. Look out for the awkward discussion about periods during a dinner party scene.The narrative moves ahead of time as the adult Jamie reflects back as to what happened to some of the characters, all that smoking Dorothea does will have an impact on her health some years for now.The film is rather uneven and I felt oddly paced, the running time is too long and there is little plot in it.