Bottle Rocket
Bottle Rocket
R | 20 January 1994 (USA)
Bottle Rocket Trailers

Dysfunctional friends Dignan and Anthony plan and execute a robbery with their pot-growing friend, Bob. The short film that inspired Wes Anderson’s feature debut.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
rbverhoef 'Bottle Rocket' is the first project written by Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson, starring Owen and his brother Luke. This short, shown at Sundance, made sure they got to make the feature film 'Bottle Rocket' (1996). Of course they came with 'Rushmore', 'The Royal Tenenbaums' and 'The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou' next.This short, shot in black and white, is sort of the same as the first fifteen minutes of the feature film version. It shows three friends named Dignan (Owen Wilson), Anthony (Luke) and Bob (Robert Musgrave) preparing for a heist, not much more. Before the real deal they practice once, buy guns, and then it's show time.The dialogue and natural acting makes this an above average short film. The writing is pretty clever and most moments will make you smile. Most of the time it is quite exciting to see one of those "first films" from established directors; 'Bottle Rocket' is no exception.
savage miser This is the FIRST Bottle Rocket, not the full length. This version begins after the breakout in th '96 version, and ends after the boys RECAP the bookstore robbery to Bob. This is interesting to watch for hardcore Wes fans, and if Criterion loves us, they will release a DVD including this original on it. Especially worth seeing is the "I bought the gun" scene, where Dignan flips out in a vulgar rage which only Owen Wilson could have executed the way he did.The Bottle Rocket '96 trailer includes a shot of Anthony breaking into a car to steal a wallet, but the scene is cut from the actual movie. That scene is present in the short version.
DJAkin When I was going to highschool with Owen, I alwasy knew he'd make a movie. What I didn't know is that it would be SO GOOD! This is the first Owen movie I ever saw. It has all the elements of a well crafted film. Owen knew what he was doing when he wrote this movie. His acting was top notch and the interaction between him and his friends make me think of the way I relate to my friends. Owen takes the viewers in and doesn't let them out until he says so. The scenes were filmed in Texas (Owen's native state) and it is so interesting to see the way he pays homage to Texas in not one, but many scenes. If you liked Owen in his blockbuster movies, you owe it to yourself to see him in bottle rocket. The movie that "launched" his career as our generations James Stewart.
belchizadeck It was rather interesting, as a huge fan of the feature, to finally get a look at the original 13 minute short, which the director himself says he cannot watch without cringing. I didn't cringe at all, in fact I was elated to see the bare bones of a simple plot, simply worded and simply acted. It was great to see what two years, a great production crew, a great cast and 6 million dollars can do to a movie. Unfortunately it's hard for me to separate the original from the feature, but one can definitely see the potentially unique voices in this piece.