Motor Home Massacre
Motor Home Massacre
R | 04 August 2005 (USA)
Motor Home Massacre Trailers

Seven young friends climb aboard a vintage RV headed for a fun-filled weekend in the woods when they encounter a night vision goggled, machete-wielding psychopath.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
ericxton yeah i know im a hateful person ..and man ilove movies so when you screw up a good film then you p-i-s-s me off royal ... but this film is in the style of evil dead 2 ...its a spoof of horror films .... didn't any one recognize the many references here and there to the classics and come on people man this movie was made for fun (and i say it all the time but here it is again) MOVIES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE ENTERTAINING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus some times you people out there make me really wonder what the human race was thinking when they decided to continue onward after standing up on two legs ... or for the religious people out there the alternate version to that would be ....what was god thinking when he said "hey ill make people ... and then make them stupid and misunderstanding" .... so people out there that are hating this film the behind the scenes you'll learn that they had literally no time to make this film and a small crew and also the most important thing you'll learn is they had fun making it for people out there to have fun watching it .... i did .. and im glad that there are people like them out there to make movies that are not @#$%^&^ by Hollywood ....(4), vocalist - GOD IN A MACHINE
redneckdan76 i had high expectations for the movie than what i saw, bad acting, stupid ending, too much sex scenes...if ya want porn rent porn, but i wanted a horror thats why i rented this.also im sick of movies having the redneck character be stupid, filthy, perverted, mean, drunkard etc. im a redneck and i ain't like the ones they portray in movies. towards the end when the killer is hacking at people, it just don't seem real, you can tell the hacking is fake, and then the dude that has his arm cut off and just lays there like its funny? then the killer gets knocked in the head with a heavy frying pan and still stands like it was nothing. tho i did like seeing a bunch of cocky young people get killed, thats always a plus. but yeah with a name like motorhome massacre, yad expect a better movie, the way they're doing remakes, maybe lionsgate can redeem themselves and remake this one. im cool with movies having unknown actors. but god, get some decent ones. the music in the movie was cool tho, so thats good . the sex scenes made me mad cause i don't care for them, but also thats time they could of been spent on showing people get killed and mutilated. all and all tho i liked it, if ya ain't picky about low budget movies then ya oughta see this one.
reeves2002 I wasted my money on renting this horrible movie and wasn't even able to get a refund or exchange.The only reason i rented it was because of the interesting cover art.It also sounded interesting by the movie description so i wanted to see it.I thought it would be similar to something like Friday the 13th since they were going out deep in the woods and were being stalked by a maniac.I watched a bit of this movie and then skipped from scene to scene hating it even more.I finally turned it off and watched something else which wasn't the greatest movie either but at least watchable. This film must have been either a student film or a very very bad B movie.I don't even know how it ended up in this DVD rental shop. The acting was worse then porn star acting.There was no plot and it looked like a rough cut of some movie made by a total amateur. I love horror movies and am open minded but this was absolute garbage!
razorwire You have to be a real horror cult follower to have enjoyed this film, and luckily there are many of us out there. Cudos to Lionsgate for supporting decent indie horror films such as this one. These people who trash indie horror films that have a campy atmosphere about them are either filmmakers who couldn't make a selling film themselves, or Mainstream Hollywood film nerds who insist that everything that comes down the pike be of Hollywood quality. Thanks God the people who actually count for something and understand there is a market for these films are the ones distributing them and not the narrow minded few that live only to trash them. Read the box before you buy or rent it. You can pretty much tell from that if it is a B movie or not, and if it is just put it back on the shelf and don't bother with it. I'm sure there are those who rent these type films knowing what they are so they can purposely watch them and then trash them. Get a friggin life. If you don't like a film, then you don't like it. Oh well, you brought it on yourself for renting or buying it in the 1st place, so don't take your idiotic frustrations out on the filmmakers or distributors by bashing it on IMDb or other sites. Jeez if you can do better then do it, and maybe, someone else can trash your film. I am a strong supporter of indie films and as far as I am concerned they all should be given a big hand for getting made and distributed. Again, look at the box at the video store and if you think it looks like a B movie, and even an idiot can tell by looking, don't get it. Good job to the entire MHM team. You did it and no matter what anyone else says that is the bottom line. BOO to the bashers!