Unmade Beds
Unmade Beds
NR | 02 September 2009 (USA)
Unmade Beds Trailers

Axl wants to find his long-lost father and rediscover his past. Vera just wants to forget hers as she tries to move on from heartbreak. Their stories come together in the melting-pot of 21st century London.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
jm10701 I hated Unmade Beds at first because I did not recognize it. I have revised this review so many times already that I hope IMDb will allow just one more. I think I can get it right at last.At first, this seemed like a bleak and depressing picture of young people: of random, meaningless sex, total aimlessness in life, and grating, obnoxious music. They seemed more old and worn-out than young, more dead than alive, and it made me very sad.But then suddenly I saw that they are exactly like me when I was their age, and if this movie had been made in the East Village of New York City in 1967 instead of London more than 40 years later, I could easily have been in it; and not one word, not one scene, not the tiniest detail would have to change. This is EXACTLY what life was like then.The life it shows looks bleak and pointless to older generations (that's me now), but under the surface it is a life of unbelievable, matchless discovery and productivity. At the time I seemed just as lost as the kids in this movie do, but I look back on the late 1960s as the most glorious time in the history of the world, a time of unprecedented beauty, change and innovation. I trust that the generation depicted so accurately in Unmade Beds will feel the same about their own youth 40 years from now.I especially recommend this movie to old farts like me who hate it at first: that may be because it hits closer to home than you expected it to. Let it get under your skin and see what happens.
Seemp deHond This movie makes me happy. Because the director didn't cave for a crowd pleaser nor a nonsensical festival piece. Intriguing, gentle, wonderful visuals, fantastic dialogue, kick ass soundtrack. The director accomplished to make a moving work that's light, floats but touches. It perfectly leads its naive endearing lead characters through a place and moment where everybody is in transit without being overly explanatory. Tielve & Francois are adorable, Huisman and Goldberg are no less than excellent. The soundtrack might not be your thing maybe but it completely matches the scene it is set in and has some great tracks. It sure is mine and i thought it to be grand. If you liked the movie Cashback you'll love this one too and the other way around:)
lurpak Just to reinforce what nicholsd said about this waste of celluloid. If you are one of the many arty-farty snobs that like to portray themselves as intellectual by thinking that you can see something in art that we cannot, then you will love this film. Us real world people who look for a piece of media that will take us out of the boring hum drum hours that generally pass the human race by,well then ten minutes into this film and you will realise that its just another, partial french, long winded, solemn distant stares of deep thought-ed youth drivel with over emphasised background noise, displaced conversations and shaky camera-work for added reality...blahh.Oh and look I'm twenty three minutes into it and nothing has happened, noting is going to happen. Its like "lost in translation" without the benefit of the interesting smile of bill Murray.
nicholsd I saw the first 20 minutes of this by accident, and have never been so despairing of cinema. Appalling actors trundling through a horrifically pretentious script, with a smug wannabe coolness trying to cover up a lack of talent. It had the distinct stench of first film, so to see that this director has made another before this was a real shock.Avoid unless you like films that make you want to stab your eyes and ears to end the pain.If you're wondering how I saw it by accident, I had gone to the cinema to see the re-issue of The Red Shoes, and they screwed up and showed this instead. Very big difference in quality!