Soul Surfer
Soul Surfer
PG | 08 April 2011 (USA)
Soul Surfer Trailers

The true story of teen surfer Bethany Hamilton, who lost her arm in a shark attack and courageously overcame all odds to become a champion again, through her sheer determination and unwavering faith.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
AboveDeepBuggy Some things I liked some I did not.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
pkryder-1 Soul Surfer is a feel-good inspirational movie.But there are virtually NO Hawaiian-descent people in the film at all!! Last time I was in Hawaii, I sure remember seeing lots of Hawaiians!And another thing: WHY are virtually ALL of the females in this film blonde? The only non-blonde female (excluding background people) was that mean brunette girl in the surfing competitions.
cmaurer-70598 I loved this movie. I think that it is a inspirational to all. It is filled with ups, downs, hardships, and joy. They started out explaining the beginning of her life. It explained the amount of time she spent in the water as a child, she has "saltwater in her veins". Also, both Bethany and Alana spend more time wet then they did dry. Bethany's going from one competition to another, training all the time. Her faith is something that she has relied on for most of her entire life. On another note, they (Bethany's friends and herself) went night surfing, there were fireworks, and it was an amazing experience filled with laughs. That was the night before Halloween. That next morning Bethany was attacked by a shark. They were out in the water for a very short period of time before she was attacked. After it happened Alana and her father helped her back to the beach. After her attack she had to work four times as hard as she did before. It took strength and courage, something that Bethany has a lot of. Watch this movie, I totally recommend it. Soul Surfer is truly inspiring.
juneebuggy This movie is heavy on the cheese and has a very Disney feel to it yet despite that I still really enjoyed it. Excellent cast in Helen Hunt & Dennis Quaid which probably helped and several surprising cameos (Craig T. Nelson, Carrie Underwood) along with a nice virtual vacation as it takes place exclusively in Hawaii.Soul Surfer is the real life story of Bethany Hamilton, a teen surfer who lost her arm in a shark attack and through faith and the support of her parents courageously overcame the odds to become a champion surfer again.The whole shark attack scene could have been a bit more... well just more. Dramatized I guess, a lost opportunity there but I guess they were trying to keep things family friendly. The ensuing chaos as they (including Kevin Sorbo) try to get her back onto land and to the hospital in the back of a pick-up is well done though. We then follow Bethany as she adjusts to her new life and attempts a comeback at championship surfing.I understand the family is quite religious in real life so I think they probably toned down that aspect here, still a heavy Christian vibe. Not that there's anything wrong with that. 08.13
byson5186 First off, I did not know who Bethany Hamilton was before hearing about this movie. I'm sure most of us did not know who she was before this movie. Now, Bethany Hamilton seems like a common talked about celebrity where everybody knows her story. She also took a part in Dolphin Tale 2 playing herself. A lot of people are reviewing her story of what actually happened, and I'm sure a lot of us have heard that she is married and now pregnant with a baby boy. Bethany Hamilton also continues life surfing with just one arm. By all means, Bethany Hamilton seems like a great role model.Now, let me talk about what makes this movie great? Well, for one this movie is by all means an inspirational story. Sometimes movies that are good stories can help motivate ourselves to push ourselves harder in sports. Like it's nice watching sports movies once in awhile especially if you're on a team or before a match as they seem empowering and can help push ourselves a little harder.What else also is great about this movie, well besides being an inspirational story, it is also something spiritual, as a lot of the movie seems to concentrate on the spiritual side of the story. We see Bethany Hamilton going to church, I believe she's of some Christian religion but I'm not too sure what religion, I forget if it was mentioned. But, just seeing this whole picture from a spiritual perspective. It gives you a sense of spiritual satisfaction, and while this isn't a movie I'd put on for entertainment, I mean I've seen it and my college even showed it. It is definitely a movie that can lift you physically as well as spiritually.Now, to put that part spiritually into perspective. I have heard that people all over the country are stopping going to church, whatever religion they attend. Now let's think about it, everybody in life wants to be happy we all try to do the things or think of the things that will make us happy. However, I have heard it's been scientifically proved that people who attend church regularly are happier than people who don't. So, to think that people who attend church regularly are happier than those who don't, that says a lot. I think this is one of the reasons that makes Bethany Hamilton a great role model, as there is often little to nothing we know about other celebrities attending church.Now, talking about the spiritual side of this movie. This movie seems to tell us what matters most in life. I mean even though spiritual movies usually aren't the most entertaining, it is nice to see them every once in awhile, because they really seem to show us that. Also, I can think of a somewhat spiritual movie which I also wrote a review on which seems to give us a somewhat spiritual perspective, but it does it in a more comic manner. I'm sure a lot of us have seen the movie Angels In The Outfield. A movie that introduced us to a younger Joseph Gordon Levitt. That's a Disney Movie that is still somewhat enjoyable to watch and can kind of give us the spiritual perspective. But, the angels in the movie seem there more for comedy to entertain viewers more.If you like movies like this, then you can watch other spiritual movies. I think inspirational movies can help us think about what matters more in life, and wanting to change our lives. A couple other recent spiritual movies that have come out. I mentioned Dolphin Tale 2 earlier. You can see Dolphin Tale and Dolphin Tale 2. There is also a movie called Heaven Is For Real showing a boy's perspective of heaven. Let me tell you, these movies might not be the fastest pace, but they are wholesome entertainment. They might not be movies we'd want to eat popcorn while watching, or movies we'd want to watch with a bunch of friends at our house unless we are trying to have a spiritual hang out. But, when we think logically we understand that these movies help us understand what matters most in life. I give it a 10/10.