NR | 10 October 1983 (USA)
Adam Trailers

Based on the true story that shocked the nation and led to vast changes in how law enforcement handled missing children cases...John and Reve Walsh deal with their grief in front of the whole country when their son, Adam, is abducted and later found dead.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
OllieSuave-007 This is a somber, dramatic and heartfelt true story of the abduction of Adam Walsh, eldest son of future America's Most Wanted host John Walsh. After Adam is kidnapped and later found murdered, John and his wife Reve become advocates for missing children.The events surrounding Adam were heartbreaking and traumatic, making you feel for the pain his death has caused his parents and relatives and making you cringe at the thought of Adam going through such a terrible ordeal. I'll always remember watching this TV movie as a kid, eager to see how everything unfolded at the end. The story definitely leaves you sad, but also leaves your yearning for justice and stronger laws to protect our young children. The Walshes definitely made a lasting impact in America in their continued advocacy and mission to protect children.Grade A-
Foreverisacastironmess I was a bit worried about how to tastefully express my dislike of this mouldy old film without coming off like a thoughtless person who doesn't care about the true story of poor lost little Adam Walsh. Well I do care very much, that murder shocked and sickened me. But, I am not going to let that stop me from saying what I think of this "drama". It's okay not to like this movie, you know. You don't have to worship it just because you may have been moved by the story. It's not like you'd be disrespecting the kid's memory or anything. That's the impression that I get from some of the other reviews. I don't actually think it a bad movie, it was basically solid and well acted enough, but for me it was so very flat and darn boring. Crippling boredom was in fact the only real problem I had with it...:2: This isn't one of the best TV movies ever. It isn't the best anything ever. I've seen television dramas that are so moving and sad they'd tear your heart out. This miserable effort is an insult to all truly great TV movies. It was way too tedious to be either enjoyable or moving. Wait! It did move me just once. It was when Jobeth Williams breaks down near the start of the movie. It was as if nature itself could feel my intense displeasure with this movie. There was a storm and the damn signal went off, so I never even got to see the last 15 minutes! Didn't matter, I know how the story ends. I did not wish to wait until it was on again before I did this. Plus, there was no way in hell I could possibly have sat through it all again...:3: I consider the real John Walsh to be one amazing human being. Taking the terrible tragedy of his son's death and using all that anger and pain in a positive way and going on to to really make a difference when most people would have just quietly gone on with their lives. No father could ever have done anything better.:4: The case has certainly not been officially closed, and it never will be. No, that depends on whether or not you choose to believe the word of the very dead Otis Toole. The serial killers like him are far more frightening than any made up "movie maniac". Did the sick evil fiend really murder Adam? I don't know, I don't think anyone truly does, including his father. You read of the initial evidence and you think it's a sure thing, it sounds good, it reads good, but, small problem-he may not have done it. And then later, just for the sake of playing games I suspect, he takes it back and says he did not. And then you notice all the little inconsistencies and doubt starts to creep in. My attitude about that particular detail, now, because it really is so very long ago now, is what difference does it make. He was a little boy, and he died. What more is there to say?
juliafwilliams This fall will mark 20 years since the first airing of 'Adam'. While John Walsh now hosts 'America's Most Wanted' as well as his own talk show, in my opinion, he has become 'America's Most Admired'. I will take a show like 'AMW' over any reality show airing today. I believe that society can become more educated from this show than from a show depicting marrying a total stranger of eating raw flora on some deserted island.Huzzah for 'Adam', John Walsh, and 'America's Most Wanted'.
Brian-272 I remember when this TV movie aired I was in kindergarten and in fact my teacher even suggested that all of us small children watch this movie with our parents. Every parent with a small child feared that this tragedy would happen and what a nightmare it would have been to have a child abducted and murdered. The whole country was at this time bringing the missing children issue to the attention of people. All of this panic and awareness because of the abduction and murder of a little boy named Adam Walsh in Broward County, Florida. Thankful that this boys father John Walsh brought this case so much attention and awareness that a movie titled Adam was made for TV to expand the concern for children all across America. This movie is sad due to the death of a small child but brings a good message of awareness and concern for our children and any victim of crime for that matter. I wish some network would show Adam again I would like to see it over.
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