The Making of 'Psycho'
The Making of 'Psycho'
| 26 October 2005 (USA)
The Making of 'Psycho' Trailers

A retrospective on the entire movie, from start to finish. There are interviews with many of the principle cast and crew (including Janet Leigh and Joseph Stefano), who all talk openly and lovingly about entire process of making the film. The sessions with Janet Leigh are particularly involving, and she talks a great deal about shooting the now infamous shower scene.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
sparkgary Excellent behind the scenes of the movie. Great comments by some of the actors, the screen writer and assistant director. Lots of insight. Great comment about first appearance of toilets in a movie. Great comments about the shower scene. A truly scary movie especially for 1959.Hitchcock was one of the best directors before computer animation took over.
preppy-3 Feature length documentary on the making of "Psycho". It's mostly all talking heads with clips from the movie. It goes through every single aspect of the movie. Even the costumes are discussed in detail! The only actor left alive from the movie was Janet Leigh and she's most entertaining going into detail about working with Hitchcock and the movie. The most interesting of all was Patricia Hitchcock (Hitch's only child) who knew how her father and mother worked. Her insights were fascinating. However, all in all, I found this slow-moving and pretty dry. Sure some of the pieces were interesting but not continuously. Still, if you're a fan of the movie you'll probably love this. I also think this is the only footage we have of Leigh talking at length about the movie. So it's OK for maybe a one time viewing.
Hot 888 Mama . . . the main one being (from just about every guy I've ever discussed this movie with) just how naked IS Janet Leigh in the shower. SPOILER ALERT: I do not want to break the heart of any guy who'd like to dream, or who has eyesight based more on wishful thinking than what can be quantified in a optician's office, but I'm going to come right out and reveal the cold, hard truth--Janet Leigh is NOT nude in a single frame of the final cut. However, she still had a mind like a steel trap for such key details of her career even 37 years later in 1997 when interviewed for this wonderful "Making of," and she notes that the CREW did see her topless, when her "just in case" falsies fell off because the glue got too dry during director Hitchcock's endless days of shooting this scene; specifically, when she was supposed to be a dead corpse, and could not move to protect her modesty! Also, Hitchcock DID use a totally nude body double (a modestly anonymous woman, apparently) for the revealing shots of Leigh's larcenous "Marion Crane" character through the motel room's translucent shower curtain.
calvindyson This documentary, which is an extra on certain "Psycho" DVD's, is one of the best I've ever watched. It lasts just over an hour and a half, which is quite long, considering the film is fairly old and many of it's actors have passed on.The documentary gives a real incite into the making of the picture. With comments from assistant Peggy Robertson, co-director Hilton A. Green and star Janet Leigh among others. The making of delves deep into how the picture was inspired, how the actors were cast and problems that arose during filming.However the documentary does not contain comments from other stars Vera Miles and John Gavin which is a big disappointment. As I would love to hear Vera Miles' thoughts on Hitchock. Another shame is that Anthony Perkins died years prior to the making of the documentary so no comments are available from him which is another shame.But overall a very well presented "Making Of".