My Dead Girlfriend
My Dead Girlfriend
NR | 21 April 2006 (USA)
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Steve (Brett Kelly, who also directs) has a wonderful relationship with his girlfriend, Amy (Caitlin Delaney) — until he accidentally backs over her with his car and kills her. Desperate not to lose his great love, he uses an ancient book of magic to revive her. Unfortunately, she comes back to life as a flesh-eating zombie. Now, Steve must keep his neighbors from discovering the truth — and keep Amy from eating his friends!

Alicia I love this movie so much
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
movieman_kev College English professor Steve (Director Brett Kelly) plans to propose to his occult-loving, vegetarian girlfriend (and one time student) Amy (Caitlin Delaney). So after he accidentally kills her (in a ridiculous way), he chooses to bring her back with the help of the incantation books she conveniently owned to mixed results. They drive to an out of the way cabin in order to wait for her to 'get better'. But when his friends show up to party at the cabin, Steve has to keep them from figuring out that Amy's now a zombie. Fortunately, his friends seem to be as brain dead as Amy is all dead.This silly little low-budget number was extremely stupid, yet I cracked a smile once or twice despite myself. Of the three Brett Kelly films I've seen thus far(the Bonesetter Returns, Final Curtain & The Feral Man), I feel it's safe to say that I enjoyed this one the most by far. Not to say that the film is flawless (it has many MANY of them) just that it had a fun atmosphere to it so I could overlook most of them.My Grade: C- Where i saw it: Instant Netflix viewing
horton-2 If you're extremely picky about how a film looks, you should know this is an independent movie with a low budget so it's pretty grainy throughout. However, that's just something they couldn't help due to their limitations, unlike Hollywood yet they still produce mostly crap.Now the movie itself though is a hoot 'n holler. The main characters acted by Brett Kelly and Caitlin DeLaney were a surprise to say the least. I started the movie not expecting much except some gore but those two plus an incredibly snappy script made for a very enjoyable movie. I would even say this is more of a comedy than a horror movie since there really isn't that much blood or gore and when they do show some it's a little thing. The rest of the film is mostly just jokes after another though.If you're up for some goofiness check this movie out. You'll enjoy it. And by the way there's something after the credits.
zanydeath I would really like to know if this mckenzie-c guy had anything to do with the production, because none of the positive attributes he states in his review are in this boring clichéd nonsenical disasterpiece. Technically it's one step up from The Bonesetter, I'll give Brett Kelly that much. But that's hardly a compliment.After accidentally running over his girlfriend Amy with his car bumbling everyman Steve uses an ancient spell to revive her. Stop me if you've heard this plot before(like from "My Boyfriend's Back) but Steve then proceeds to hide Amy's current undead state from his friends and family. Therein lies the only joke,and no one's laughing.Ultimately My Dead Girlfriend is done in by bad writing and the amateurish performances. All the actors were friends of the director no doubt. At least Bonesetter had a more original premise.
mckenzie-c To be quite honest, I haven't seen all of Bret's movies. I've seen Bone Setter (which I purchased at a comic convention, it was sitting next to the notorious indie flick, Zombie Holocaust, which I thought was terrible, kick me if you must; I don't remember my reasons) and that's it. Much like Bone Setter, My Dead Girlfriend takes you by surprise as the cleverness builds to the point where you simply enjoy the film and you actively catch yourself asking if this is the same movie you'd already formulated an opinion on.The script seems decently written and well executed on. The soundtrack was original and well placed. The make-up and gore was good, though there were moments when a completely over the top blood sequence would have been perfect. Overall this film had enough fresh moments for an obvious first attempt at a comedy horror that you can't help but really enjoy it for what it was. It left a pleasant taste in my mouth after all was said and done.WARNING, POSSIBLE SPOILER! (not that revealing, I just don't want to get blacklisted) Complaints? I thought there were some flat moments, mainly a couple of weak comedic attempts. (I don't think anyone would have had a problem if the film was a couple of minutes shorter if the weaker jokes were cut) The plot was generally fine expect the reason for Caitlin's zombification. Well not the reason so much as the execution. It felt a little ridiculous, Brett's character never comes across as someone so clueless or stupid as to back over another person with a car, or that Caitlin wouldn't have noticed the exhaust breathing down on her.The highlight I'm sure everyone will agree was Jody's comedic timing, (also played the Bone Setter in both those movies, though they weren't comedies) but Caitlin's zombie on the bed scene was probably the most memorable moment.Finally, there's a scene with this big guy (Ralph Gethings doing a cameo, he's the films FX head) in the woods. His story was never explicitly explained, so here's my take. Since I never recalled who the owner of the cabin was, I rationalize that it was his cabin and after all the "partying" was said an done, he shows up to the mess we all just witnessed and was attempting a clean up.Either way, fun film. Don't hesitate if you see a copy being sold at a local comic convention. Shades of "Idle Hands" definitely!