| 03 October 2014 (USA)
Copenhagen Trailers

After weeks of traveling through Europe, the immature William finds himself in Copenhagen, the place of his father’s birth. He befriends the youthful Effy, who works in William’s hotel as part of an internship program, and they set off to find William’s last living relative. Effy’s mix of youthful exuberance and wisdom challenges William unlike any woman ever has. As the attraction builds, he must come to grips with destabilizing elements of his family’s sordid past.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
rick-morgan9063 I watched this film some time ago, and the reviews are largely very positive, but I wanted to add my rating and comments in the hope that more will watch this film. We have Effie from Copenhagen, fourteen going on twenty, who helps a rude, immature Will from the USA on a visit to find his Danish roots and have 'fun' in the process. What makes this film special is the superlative acting, the pace and the juxtaposition of an immature adult man bonding with a wise and well balanced Danish girl of just fourteen years of age. Many of the reviews regarding this film state that it left a lasting impression on them, and I can see why. Treat yourself and watch this film.
Stu Robinson It took me a few days to process the movie Copenhagen, which took home the Director's Choice Award for Best Feature – Drama from the Sedona International Film Festival. The movie held my interest and piqued my curiosity but left me feeling a little dirty.It tells its story from the perspective of 20-something American tourist William. After a buddy trip to Europe is sabotaged by his friend's manipulative girlfriend, he finds himself in the Danish capital alone and angry.There is only one thing on his "to-do" list – find his grandfather, about whom he knows nothing, and deliver a letter from his late father. It's not a done deal, either. All he has is a very old address.Played by British actor Gethin Anthony, William is not looking forward to this errand. For him, the trip always was about getting laid. While he stews in the hotel lobby, he spies a blonde walking outside. The next morning, she winds up being his waitress in the hotel café.Things get messy when she spills coffee on the envelope, blurring the address. He berates her until she says she got a look at the address and remembers it. Suddenly, he needs her help, but it's hard for him to shift gears from nasty to nice.He pays the price, as Effy (20-year-old Copenhagen native Frederikke Dahl Hansen) sends him on a wild goose chase. Later that day, he finds her hanging out near the hotel and confronts her. A bit sheepish, she says she'll take him to the correct address. When they get there, they find not William's grandfather but the man's brother.It's not a happy homecoming. Uncle Peter is hospitable enough but tells William that his grandfather was a terrible man – a Nazi collaborator who was imprisoned after the war and later disappeared. His wife, shunned in Danish society, had emigrated to America with her young son.The uncle gives William some black-and-white photos of his father as a boy. Over the next couple of days, Effy leads William to the places where the photos were taken, snapping pictures of him striking the same poses as his father. Over the course of the visits, we find out that William's father had abandoned his family when William was a boy.The Baby Elephant in the RoomHow does Effy find so much time for William? She describes her hotel job as a sort of internship, part of her school's curriculum. He assumes – or at least tells himself – that she is a college student, yet he doesn't try to bed her instantly as he has every other nubile woman since we met him.Despite her frequent claims that she needs to get home, she never actually goes. One starts to get a creepy feeling. Is she hiding from a hellish home life? Does she even have a home? (She never seems to change clothes.) She does make a vaguely negative reference to her mother's boyfriend; is he forcing himself on her or pimping her out?Eventually, she reveals that she's only 14 years old. That's when things get really creepy, because by this time moviegoers are invested in their developing relationship.Confronting RealityAround this time, the voice of reason arrives when William's erstwhile travel buddy, Jeremy (Sebastian Armesto), returns to Copenhagen, having been dumped by the girlfriend in London. The attention Effy gives to Jeremy makes William jealous, leading to an argument during which Jeremy learns the truth about Effy and calls them out.To William: "Nobody likes you. You connect with teenagers."To Effy: "He's that stranger you're not supposed to talk to."When the men start to scuffle, Effy flees. Jeremy storms off, leaving William alone once again.After a couple of pathetic conversations with Effy's voicemail, William heads out to a nightclub, where the film takes on a shadowy, race-against-the-night quality. He's about to score a threesome with two American girls – a home run for pre-Copenhagen William – when Effy turns up, having finally listened to his messages. He walks away from the Americans to focus on Effy. Is this a sign of progress for William?Some of the club staff greet Effy with familiarity, raising more questions about her lifestyle now that we know her age. Another man at the bar recognizes her and drags her out. William pursues and forces the man to let her go. As they flee, Effy tells William it was her mother's boyfriend.A brief stop at Effy's home to get her laptop reveals little, though the darkened apartment certainly doesn't convey a happy home life. Effy's mom emerges when her boyfriend arrives, but they are too focused on each other to notice Effy and William sneaking out.By this point, William and Effy have admitted their romantic feelings for each other. Back in his hotel room, they begin to act on their hormones.With a normal movie romance, the audience usually roots for the couple to … couple. But given the characters' ages, we are left to squirm as they start disrobing. Will they ignore the elephant in the room and consummate their fantasy relationship? Or will William acknowledge that, as the movie's website puts it: "When the girl of your dreams is half your age, it's time to grow up."There are two epilogues to Copenhagen, both of which take place in the light of day. William makes a final effort to locate his grandfather and learn why the males in his family are so screwed up. We see Effy, looking and behaving very much like a teenager, waiting in class to present a report including photos she took of William – and curling up with her mother on a couch at home.
jij98111 ***warning, possible spoilers*** this movie should be studied in film classes: you watch it, enjoy it, but don't really realize the effectiveness of the writer and director until later. Here is what happens: 1. An analogy best explains this film: we have all probably seen a video of a master with his dog. Sitting in front of the dog is the most delectable treat imaginable to the dog. The dog does nothing even though every fiber of its being wants to gobble up that treat. It is waiting for its masters command. The Masters here are the writer and director, the dog is the male lead. The girl is the treat (and not in a prurient sense). She says she will be 15 (the age of consent) "in a few days". He wants to pounce (But not in a sexual sense even though there is obvious physical attraction). 2. The age difference is not for shock value. It is a very effective plot device relating to 1 above. 3. They are alone in a hotel room, both drunk (largely at his insistence). She is the aggressor. The reality is he cannot believe she is only 14 and repeatedly says that throughout the movie. She tries to seduce him, taking off her blouse and kissing him which he appears to accept. 4. The "masters" do not outright state that they did not sleep together but instead, more effectively, make that clear by: they both wake up in bed fully clothed (she must have put her top back on) in sharp contrast to his other many dalliances where he graphically wakes up with a naked partner; just prior to this he turns down an offer that most males his age dream about – two beautiful drunk girls try to drag him back to their hotel for a threesome. Instead of going with the women, he is much more concerned about having hurt the girl's feelings and rushes out of the bar, leaving the women, to try to call the girl and apologize for acting like a jerk. So, the attraction is not about sex per se. there is much more to his feelings for the girl and he is clearly conflicted. He does not sleep with her.5. There is more to him than meets the eye: he is in Denmark to find his grandfather and understand why he was abandoned by his father. The girl, with a great heart and overlooking the fact that he is superficially an insensitive jerk sees something deeper in him and embraces the cause of him finding his past and takes it upon herself to help him. 6. The girl, is far more substantial and mature than the women he has been sleeping with (who is really older, the girl or his earlier partners?). She too, has a troubled family but is very close to her mother and wants to help him resolve that part of his life. 7. In one effective scene, he simply glances down a street and sees a father briefly interacting with his son (short and effective). 8. The most effective scene in the movie: she takes him to a museum. She brings him to a dark corner where there is a bust. She tells him she has never brought anyone there before. She stands next to the bust. It is an exact image of the girl. She tells him she is really hundreds of years old and he says the bust is 1500 years old. This scene is a metaphor for what the movie accomplishes. After 1500 years, here she (who posed for the bust) is here again, resurrected, with the human traits that allowed us to survive over those 1500 years: the yearning for family, love, and a striving for happiness even in an imperfect world. In other hands this might seem corny, here it is movie-making genius.
dansview The age of sexual consent in Denmark is 15. That's why the main female character kept mentioning her upcoming birthday. I had been wondering like other reviewers, why they would make the character 14, thereby adding a sort of pedophile angle to an otherwise interesting film.Why not just have her be 17? But they had to make her 14,because at 15 the whole underage conflict would no longer exist as a legal question. Although it still would as a moral issue. Enough on that.I don't know why they chose English actors to play Americans, but this male lead was totally natural and believable. I consider him the star of this movie. The other reviewers are "gaga" over the girl.But remember that we are viewing her as non-Danish people. We are sucked in by her accent and the scenery. But if we were Danish ourselves, we might just think she is an appealing young thing, without being in awe of her.Having said that, of course she did a nice job of portraying a precocious girl from a broken home with just the right amount of worldly wisdom and sincere innocence.Other reviewers have skillfully pinpointed the fact that these guys were emotionally immature while the underage girl is emotionally advanced. Because of that, it makes perfect sense why they would be drawn to her.The movie highlights a certain prolonged adolescence prevalent in many Western men. It takes some a long time to grow up.Essentially the movie features a substantial character arc. A selfish, boorish guy learns what it means to truly care about another person, both in terms of his father and his new female friend.I really wanted to know what he did for a living back home. I didn't need a long description of it, but it would give some much-needed context. I also needed to know about his mom. This background information could have been satisfied in a few brief remarks or one conversation.Copenhagen looks nice. I don't know enough about Cinematography to judge it here, but there were definitely some nicely framed shots of water and colorful homes.The music was a key factor for me. There is a scene where our male lead is walking on a beach or something, and there is a dramatic electronic beat steadily gaining volume and steam. I loved that.Check it out. It's worth watching, despite the creepiness of the age-related sexual tension.