The End of the Tour
The End of the Tour
R | 31 July 2015 (USA)
The End of the Tour Trailers

The story of the five-day interview between Rolling Stone reporter David Lipsky and acclaimed novelist David Foster Wallace, which took place right after the 1996 publication of Wallace's groundbreaking epic novel, 'Infinite Jest.'

Diagonaldi Very well executed
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
pietknudsen This movie really captured what David Foster Wallace stood for, its not flashy and easy entertainment but deep and interesting content to get great meaning from. The conversations are two great minds sharing an insight into the mind of creative minds growing up in a world of consumption. If you like thinking about society, people, and another perspective on life this movie is amazing, but if you are looking for the next die hard or another pointless actionmovie this is not for you.
PWNYCNY Two men spend time together, ostensibly for business, but each with ulterior motives which are revealed as the story progresses. The two men are David Lipsky, a reporter for Rolling Stone, and David Wallace, a writer who just wrote a critically acclaimed novel. The tension mounts as both men try to gain dominance over the other. In this case the domination is not physical but intellectual and emotional. Each call out the other's failings, fears and hypocrisy. Both become enmeshed in each other's business. Lipsky finds himself answering as many questions as he asks as Wallace finds himself going on the defensive to avoid having to deal with subjects that to him are too personal and off-bounds. Yet, defensive barriers crumble and both men are able to speak to each other with a frankness that is evidence of real friendship. This is a wonderful movie.
Karla Enriquez I found a Jason Segel very profound and great in that character, Jesse it was a little bit flat, another factor against Jesse was that his character was quite annoying. Although I respect his work seems that this person cost him enough work. This movie really sells the idea of ​​reading to this writer in a deeper way where his life is part of his stories. After seeing the film I came up with a need to know more about David Foster Wallace and really seems to be an author who has not popularized enough his way of thinking, despite that talk about popular culture. It is a great way to discover a great American writer who should be read especially by the young people and the culture of consuming and throwing, mental fast food.
benstripe Jesse plays as the worst reporter of all time. Maybe the movie could have been good, but Jesse's character was absurdly annoying. I couldn't finish the movie. I hated him so much. I might sound pretentious, but you'll know what I mean if you watch this horrid movie. I wanted to give this movie more of a chance so I actually tried watching it twice and picking up where I left off on my second run. Unfortunately, Jesse was still just as terrible. The other main character was alright though; he was a hipster-hippie prodigy writer.To be fair though, I didn't watch it all the way through. Who knows? Maybe Jesse gets hit by a truck, and the movie goes alright from there! Will I try a third time just in case? No. I do recommend people watch it I guess. Maybe other people would be into it. Or maybe some people would like to see just how annoying Jesse is. Either way, I still hated it.