Finders Keepers
Finders Keepers
R | 18 October 2014 (USA)
Finders Keepers Trailers

A haunted doll teaches one little girl why children shouldn't play with undead things.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
GarnettTeenage The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
adonis98-743-186503 A divorced mother of one is thrown into turmoil when her young daughter becomes obsessed with an evil doll left behind by the previous occupants of their new home. Finders Keepers is a 2014 TV Movie Starring Jaime Pressly and Tobin Bell (That guy is obsessed with Killing Dolls a lot) and it's actually a good horror film for a boring Saturday if you ask me. For example the acting is better than i expected and Pressly does a nice job as the mom and although the film references other horror films such as The Exorcist, Annabelle and Chucky and some certain kills are indeed over the top it's still a fun horror film that has a good balance of gore and story but also actors that truly seem to try especially that little girl is creepy. If you can pass some of the casual flaws that this particular Genre has you might actually enjoy this movie. (7.5/10)
thespiderpablo This movie is a ridiculous unrealistic piece of SH!T that seems to try to be scary. The parents are incredibly stupid. Cat lady should've issued a police report. Wish the director had enough of a brain to give better reactions while filming. Kylie Rogers was okay but I wish her character was more realistic. The director should take some advice from James Wan or Stephen King. The best horror movie directors i've ever seen. Movie wasn't scary isn't worth the watch and is simply but, a piece of SH!T . I bet keeping up with the kardashians is better than this trash. No offense to the director but try making the characters more realistic, better reactions, and better police. If its set in the modern world, than have it be set IN THE MODERN FUKING WORLD
princess_za1974's better then the CGI-fest monster movies Scyfy ejects from their butts every other day but it still suffers from some glaring problems.Acting is sub-par with the exception of Tobin Bell, Digital effects are pretty awful, practical effects are not good either, the majority of the kills make absolutely no sense and the climax was kinda ridiculous. Seriously? Charizard was the spirit possessing the doll? What the hell Charizard? don't you have anything better to do then possess little girls?You Freak.
chrismackey1972 Alyson (Jaime Pressly) and her daughter Clair (Kylie Rogers) move into a home, but unknown to them, it has an evil past. The people who lived there before them were murdered by their 8-yr old son who had become possessed by an evil doll. Now, Clair has become possessed by the same doll, which she found inside a vent in her room.I have to say I was impressed by Jaime Pressly's acting in this. This is the first time I've seen her in a straight out dramatic role. Granted, I haven't seen that many things with her, but she was very good in this. However, I didn't like her hairstyle. The front of it wasn't bad, but the almost shaved back of her head was very odd to see on a woman, and they must have had about 4 different scenes where they had a close up of it. Kylie Rogers did a very good job as well as the troubled and possessed Clair. Patrick Muldoon portrayed Alyson's ex-husband. I haven't seen him in anything since Starship Troopers. He was more of a side-character in this, as the movie was much more focused on Pressly and Rogers.I gave this a 4-star rating. I wouldn't want to see it again, because I'm not a fan of possession movies, but I enjoyed it enough to sit through it. I have to say that parts of this kind of reminded me of The Conjuring. For something from the SyFy channel, this was surprisingly watchable.