R | 25 December 1992 (USA)
Trespass Trailers

Two Arkansas firemen, Vince and Don, get hold of a map that leads to a cache of stolen gold in an abandoned factory in East St. Louis. What they don't know is that the factory is on the turf of a local gang, who come by to execute one of their enemies. Vince sees the shooting, the gang spots Vince, and extended mayhem ensues. As Vince and Don try to escape, gang leader King James argues with his subordinate Savon about how to get rid of the trespassers.

BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
videorama-759-859391 What's sad about this underrated B film, is like Dr Giggles, their billboards were put up, but they were a no show at the cinema, where they didn't get a run. What's crazy before I proceed with this review, is that there's hardly any violence at all, where this was given a R certificate, where the very gory Dr Giggles, one well refined horror film received only an M. Was that the violence in Trespass, was more realistic? There's only two bits, one bit, a fresh bloodied shirt of one not so lucky victim, was the only the reason. It couldn't of been the needle plunging neck scene. Trespass is one refreshing, exciting movie wonderfully and tensely structured, by a favored director, we love, where this one would of fallen under the radar. In Adelaide, it got a brief screening, one of a three movie showing, the other films being Sliver and Body Of Evidence. This movie certainly deserves more credit, your viewing time, but also, or more importantly, be respected,, where you'll be wonderfully surprised. The plot has firemen buddies, better actors, Paxton, giving his all again and the wonderfully versatile Sadler who are given a treasure map, by an old guy, who chooses to go down with the flames They travel from Arkansaw to St Louis, to a desecrated building, where hidden in this one spot, is a greedy display of shining gold. Only they should of come another day, as Paxton, becomes a spotted witness to an arranged killing of this cheating drug dealer (Glenn Plummer, think midget, Tony "Little Man" Cox, grown to full size) who's thrown off the top of the building, where the middle of his back, cracks on a railing below, before plunging back off it, so it wasn't a pleasant drop. The gang is headed by Ice T, as King James, and he doesn't do a bad job. I came to realize later Ice T, isn't a bad actor. Ice Cube wasn't bad either as one of King Jame's gang, where the other black actors give good performances too, Stoney Jackson, being one that stands out, where the other one, was the black, loud dressy dude, who came later, one dude that lives coolness. Just watch when he gets stopped by two black cops. For Paxton and Sadler, strategy and situations ensue, where the two parties hold out. The stakes are raised, when the firemen take Ice T'S little brother, Lucky, well not so lucky on this day. Paxton and Sadler also have a bit of headache they don't need, from an old black vagrant, they keep hostage. The gold objects that are uncovered, are amazing to look at, kind of making us visually envious. I really liked Paxton's character, where Sadlers got on my nerve, where I didn't really care about this obnoxious fellow at all. It wouldn't matter, if he lived or died. Trespass has you engrossed from the very start to end, trust me. It's something different, and it's great, the two contrasting parties. Who will survive? The climax is a classic, and the location exterior outside the buildings with their it's tight shots, really makes you feel you there, but also has you wondering what's beyond these buildings. This restricted atmosphere beautifully befits the mood of this good film. This film just had me momentarily, wishing Billy Paxton was still with us, and for fans of him, this movie is a nice reminder. His personality and avid input into his characters, will have us thinking of him as one of those wild actors, but will also have us remembering this good hearted guy, off camera. A missed cinema surprise, another one being that Robert Zemekis, was one of the producers on this. Don't rent the Nicolas Cage one by mistake. Great movie poster, and grinding music. Thanks again, Mr Hill.
adonis98-743-186503 Two Arkansas firemen, Vince and Don, get hold of a map that leads to a cache of stolen gold in an abandoned factory in East St. Louis. What they don't know is that the factory is in the turf of a local gang, who come by to execute one of their enemies. Vince sees the shooting, the gang spots Vince, and extended mayhem ensues. As Vince and Don try to escape, gang leader King James argues with his subordinate Savon about how to get rid of the trespassers. Trespass is not one of Walter Hill's best films for sure but it's definitely better than some of his other most recent works the film stars Bill Paxton, William Sadler, Ice Cube and Ice-T and right from the beginning this movie sets a long road of suspense and action that fans will definitely enjoy plus there's some pretty good comedic parts here and there. As far as the performances go i think that Bill Paxton and William Sadler gave the best performances in this film and mostly Paxton because you cared about his character plus he wanted to get out without any violence or killing plus Art Evans who also starred alongside Sadler in Die Hard 2 was also pretty good as well. Now as far as the rest of the cast goes none of them were bad it's just that Ice Cube played Ice Cube and Ice-T played Ice-T and they were all of them just kinda bland and not that interesting plus the film gets a bit political at times so there's that but overall Trespass is not a bad movie it's actually a pretty great film with some good performances, good action and lots of suspense. (9/10)
Mr-Fusion For some reason, I've always lumped TRESPASS in with JUDGMENT NIGHT - a woeful misapprehension, to be sure. This movie shares more in common with the first two DIE HARD movies (and not just in the casting department). It greatly benefits from Walter Hill's tense direction and it's also refreshingly unpredictable; the twists weren't apparent, and it's a pretty good nail-biter as a result. Art Evans was a casting highlight, and brought a nice dose of humor to such a no-nonsense affair. And I love that the guys responsible for BACK TO THE FUTURE wrote this movie. 7/10
ttron2000 i've always been a fan of this flick. as a kid it was a blast and it's held up well ever since. director Walter Hill (a truly underrated director) brings his hard-ass, tough-talking schtick to this dark, claustrophobic action flick that deserves more love than it gets. when two Arkansas firemen, Vince (Bill Paxton) & Don (William Sadler) uncover a treasure map in stolen gold, they decide to collect. it leads them to an East St. Louis project building and all seems easy enough, until they witness a crew of sharp drug dealers, led by King James (Ice T), kill a traitorous punk. this sets off a showdown between the firemen and the crew, turning bloody and maddening as true sides and desperation surface in midst of greed and gunfire. this thing really gets moving once both worlds collide and the final showdowns between certain characters were certainly not what i expected (and that's a compliment). in between is when it's most interesting. Don's greed clashes with Vince's desire to escape in one piece; James, looking to save his brother (taken hostage by don in the commotion) wants an easy solution, angering his vicious, trigger-happy henchman, Savon (Ice Cube); and homeless vagrant, Bradlee (Art Evans) ends up an unwilling participant caught in the middle. Paxton and Sadler, always reliable in everything they do, hold the film together, their dynamic providing the overall moral of the story. Evans provides the comic relief and comes off as the film's most sympathetic character. Ice T is terrific as the controlled villain while Ice Cube steals scenes left and right as the violent wreck-loose (i've always wished these two would be in another film together). it's not a perfect film, but hill's direction and a solid cast keep this fast-paced bad boy together. at worst, it's a b-movie with a lot of class to back it, but at best, it's a decent action movie that's sure to please. it's tense, loud, violent, and dark; everything an urban action movie should be. i love Walter Hill and i love this cast.