Terminal Velocity
Terminal Velocity
PG-13 | 23 September 1994 (USA)
Terminal Velocity Trailers

A maverick skydiver and a former KGB agent team up to stop the Russian mafia from stealing gold.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Leofwine_draca TERMINAL VELOCITY is one in a small wave of Hollywood films that utilised the topic of extreme sports to bring extra energy to the subject matter. POINT BREAK is perhaps the most influential and famous of the group, and then there was Wesley Snipes's DROP ZONE too. TERMINAL VELOCITY stars Charlie Sheen as the hero and it is undoubtedly the dumbest skydiving thriller you'll ever watch.The plot sees Sheen's bone-headed character get tangled up in a conspiracy plot involving Nastassja Kinski, daughter of the famous German actor Klaus Kinski. There are plot twists borrowed from Stallone's CLIFFHANGER and an increasingly twisty storyline which ends up with the main character simply pursued by numerous goons. What follows is a series of unbelievable action escapades that refuse to follow the laws of physics.The film has dated plenty since release and if you compare it to something like SPEED it comes off by far the worst. Sheen is impossible to take seriously as an action hero after his roles in the two HOT SHOTS! films and the film as a whole has an unwelcome spoof feel to it. James Gandolfini did the bad guy thing much better in TRUE ROMANCE and is a joke here. And don't get me started on those silly stunts...
Maziun OK , so this movie obviously isn't a masterpiece or even a good movie. It doesn't mean you can't give this popcorn flick a chance for one night of unambitious cinema. There is a similar movie to this one - "Drop zone " with Wesley Snipes . Some people are arguing about which one is a rip-off the second . To be honest , I don't really care about that because both are just decent popcorn movies , nothing more.I'm not a fan of Charlie Sheen , but I 've found him to be enjoyable in this one . Nastassja Kinski was very likable and gives a good performance . In my opinion she is the heart of the movie . It was also good to see James Gandolfini (RIP) , even if the twist with him was obvious . The romance was quite fine . I did laugh sincerely a couple of times and there is some decent mystery to keep the viewer interested. Mind that the screenplay isn't really spectacular and the action scenes are rather too over the top .Overall , a decent popcorn movie . It never becomes anything more , but we should appreciate it for what it is , especially now , when Hollywood very often struggles to create a watchable entertainment for mass audiences. I give it 5/10.
elshikh4 This is one of the memorable flicks of the 1990s. Of course not in the same shelf that has (Con Air), (The Rock), (Face Off), but you may find it at the lower one, and when you check it out you'll be surprised. The Action is super but not that totally crazy as some likes from the same era. True that the ultimate tagline of all of this kind of movies is "don't you ever think" but here even if you did, you'd see how it got a little bit of inner logic. You've got to love and respect that script, it did it well. The climax's sequence was so tough a' la James Bond grand style. Thanks to director (Deran Sarafian) who presented also (Gunmen - 1994) another good Action. The only problem, a big one too, is (Charlie Sheen) ! Actually with a movie like that you'd think young (Clint Eastwood), or (Willis), or even (Sly), but not Mr. shining black hair who can't act well. His charisma is weaker than the role. He's funny for sometimes but silly frigid for most of the time. Still good noise though, and definitely the most amusing among the series of the unfortunate events that (Sheen) did it during the 1990s (The Arrival, Postmortem, Free Money, No Code of Conduct, ..etc) before his merciful retirement from cinema (temporarily or eternally I think the cinema retired from him !) to establish a TV career with (2 Men & Half) which's another flop if you asked me. So (Terminal Velocity) compared to (Sheen)'s original disasters is like paradise, but he still in it. I said once that the main defect, sometimes the only defect, with movies by (Tom Cruise), (Ben Affleck) or (Charlie Sheen) is that they're their leads !
Philip Van der Veken Aaaah, what can I say about yet another action movie whose story must have been made up by a drunk and unemployed screenwriter with writers block. I'm sorry if that sounds a bit too hard for some people or if you are a big fan of this movie (it's not because I don't like it that you can't love it of course), but this movie really had nothing to offer that blew me away. I don't know why, but somehow it is almost impossible to find an action movie with a decent script or story.It's the same problem with this movie: Ditch Brodie (Charlie Sheen) is a maverick skydiving instructor with a reputation that has made of him a first page news item for several times, but that will also cost him his job very soon. One fine day, a pretty girl steps into his office, asking to learn her skydiving. Of course he doesn't say no and he takes her with him on her first dive. But than he makes a fatal mistake, he loses her out of sight for one moment and before he knows what is happening she falls out of the airplane, without having opened her parachute, right to a gruesome death. When he is accused of man slaughter because he didn't attach her static line, he starts an investigation himself, finding out that she had something to do with the KGB and the Russian Mafia who are trying to steal gold from an airplane.Normally this movie would have gone by me completely unnoticed, but because Charlie Sheen, Nastassja Kinski and James Gandolfini were in it, I gave it a try. The acting isn't too bad for the three actors that I just mentioned (although not excellent either), but the others really never exceed the level of the average action flick. In my opinion this movie isn't very good, but at least it isn't as bad as a Steven Seagal or Jean-Claude Van Damme film. I give it a 5/10.