R | 10 September 2010 (USA)
Icarus Trailers

Trained KGB assassin, Edward Genn (code name ICARUS), worked years ago as a sleeper agent in America. But when the Soviet Union collapsed, he quickly found himself in a foreign country with no one to trust. Determined to escape his muddled existence, Edward tries to start over. He assumes a new identity, starts a family and tries to start his own legitimate business that could potentially pull him out of his world of being a hitman.

Alicia I love this movie so much
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
lost-in-limbo This straight-to-DVD enterprise is quite a mindless parade of macho, bullets and blood in this same-old, same-old get-up that sees a professional KGB-trained assassin finding himself with a contract on his head. You can he trust, that's what it comes down to as his family find out he's living a lie. Being much more than just a businessman. Everything about this venture is heavily contrived, but outside some sluggish moments and the monotonous narrative filled with deep in- thought dialogues, but let's not also forget those stares. Dolph Lundgren who stars (in a methodical performance), but also directs keeps things rather repetitive, where it seems to be becoming a comfortable formula. He pumps up the screen with numerous slow-motion shots and frantic shot-on camera frames trying to give a personal touch. Talk about personal, Lundgren really gets up and personal when in conversation. What starts of immensely slow, gets better as it goes along where it eventually opens with blistering set-pieces of shootouts and brutal hand-to-hand combat with an ending that throws an ironic twist of fate. The plot tries to balance out its human dramas, but the pandering script is too heavy-handed and feels like a smokescreen as our man becomes a pawn in a much bigger game. Also making an appearance is Bo Svenson. While for me it might not have been as fun as some of Dolph's other recent outings. However while predictable and at times slow, "The Killing Machine" is a bold b-grade action joint."I guess today is your lucky day."
Comeuppance Reviews Edward Genn (Lundgren) is a family man and loving husband and father - but he's also a secret assassin trained in the former Soviet Union and working for the Russian Mob. His code name is Icarus. After certain events go sideways, all manner of bad guys - goons, hired killers, Russian mob, other mobs, etc. are after him. All Genn wants to do is protect his family. But he'll have to face the demons of his past first, personified by the evil gangster Vadim (Svenson). Will his double life come crashing down? It's very cool to see Dolph as a hit-man and he looks quite dapper in his suits and ties here. As seems to be the trend of late, some scenes are underlit and too dark to see, but what we did see, we liked very much. Except for the film quality and the soundtrack, this film could have been made in the 80's, which is definitely a good thing in our book. Dolph, as star and director, obviously knows what his fans want, and he delivers yet again. It helps that the writer, Raul Inglis, is also the uncredited writer on White Tiger (1996) as well as the writer of Breach of Trust (1995).There's plenty of action, good violence, and Bo Svenson as well. He doesn't show up until the very last portion of the film, but it was cool to see Dolph and Bo together, especially in a showdown as mortal enemies. Interestingly, the plot of "guy was a hit-man and now has a wife and daughter who are now in danger because of his past life and he now must use his violent training to protect them" was also used for Hit-man's Run (1999). Thankfully, neither Esteban Powell, nor any other annoying sidekick is on display. As said earlier, Dolph knows what his fans want. Annoying sidekicks are not one of them.So thanks to the action, violence, presence of two of our favorite stars (Dolph and Bo) and the undemanding running time of 88 minutes, not to mention the 80's throwback feel and Dolph's direction, The Killing Machine is a solid winner.For more insanity, check out: comeuppancereviews.com
Viva_Chiba First, i just don't understand the negative comments here, everyone thinks that this is a "True Lies" rip-off, there is only ONE element that resemble True lies (the family man with the double life), i don't understand people that says "boooooooooooring", or "it's not a kill fest, watch the trailer if you want a kill fest"...hum....did we watched the same movie ? Icarus features well executed and well done action scenes, with violent and bloody action.Dolph gives a good and strong performance.Dolph Lundgren shows that he is good at directing, someone should give a big budget, he reached the same league as Sylvester Stallone, both starring and directing some of their films.
fish_53 If you've seen the trailer for this film, you might be forgiven for thinking that it looks like a badly-made, badly-written, badly-acted bloodbath - perfect Saturday night viewing for the lads. Sadly, you would be wrong.If you've seen the trailer then you've already seen all of the action sequences from the film. Dolph is NOT a killing machine. In fact, he hardly kills anyone, and even when he does you stifle a yawn.The plot is minimal, clichéd and makes no sense (which is not necessarily a bad thing if you're watching this kind of film). However, terrible direction and awful camera-work makes it impossible to follow the limited story-line. The film lacks any continuity whatsoever. I remembered many of the stock sound effects from the '3D Movie Maker' I had as a child.Anyone who gives this film more than 2/10 is having a laugh. If you want an easy-to-follow kill-fest then DO NOT watch this film. Watch the trailer instead, appreciating everything this film has to offer, and then watch something else. The trailer makes more sense of the plot than the full film and is edited and cut far more effectively.It's not so bad it's good. It's so bad it makes you want to take a load of steroids, hit the gym and get absolutely massive just so you can beat Dolph Lundgren to a pulp for making this sorry excuse for an action film.