Won't You Be My Neighbor?
Won't You Be My Neighbor?
PG-13 | 29 June 2018 (USA)
Won't You Be My Neighbor? Trailers

For more than thirty years, and through his television program, Fred Rogers (1928-2003), host, producer, writer and pianist, accompanied by his puppets and his many friends, spoke directly to young children about some of life's most important issues.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Siglitz Instead of writing a review I'm going to address comments of one of the negative reviews (if you want to see it, check out the 2 star ratings)."Mr. Rogers would be upset if he knew how the writers turned his philosophy into a leftist agenda." Interviews with his wife say otherwise. She says he would be mortified by the way children are being torn from their parents (Today Show with Megyn Kelly)"Despite some genuine insights into a wonderful man, the movie overall pushes liberal politics." The only thing it 'pushes' is basic human decency. I guess this conservative reviewer is admitting that is not part of the conservative agenda (I know that is not the case, I know some conservatives who are incredibly decent human beings). "There is a cameo of a smiling Hilary Clinton" Yes, for an entire 1/2 second where she was incidental to a crowd where he was making an appearance."and soon after a clip with no context to it making a FoxNews host look nasty." There most certainly was context - the context that idiots at Fox News were blaming him for the entitlement culture, which was utter nonsense. The only thing that makes Brian Kilmeade (the host in question) look nasty is the nasty comments he makes."This is not a heartwarming movie."... unless you actually have a heart."This is a definite, deliberate political agenda in time to influence voters before the Fall midterms." Politics are never mentioned although there is a parallel with a scene from the first episode of MRN where King Friday the 13th fears changes and builds a wall. If anyone takes exception to that scene they need to think about the real reason it bothers them. "Playing on emotions" Emotions are a part of being human. But I wouldn't say it plays on them, it evokes them. That's what good film making does."using people with disabilities to advance a political agenda." Jeff Erlanger (the person with disabilities in question) was a personal friend of Fred Rogers. Go to YouTube and watch "Fred Rogers inducted into the TV Hall of Fame" Fred's reaction to seeing Jeff (now an adult) is the most genuine human reaction you will ever see, prompting Fred to 'rush the stage' at his own honoring. If that doesn't make you cry you truly have no soul. "It is insulting to Mr. Rogers memory." Mr Rogers would like you regardless.
alexanderceverything If you grew up with me Rodgers you will face a huge wave of nostalgia. This movie showed the best of him and gave people a sense of hope even if you didn't grow up with me Rodgers you will still feel the impact of this movie and even you will be at the brink of tears by the end.
gk-37145 I am 60 years old and never had a hero in my life. I do now! I am not aware of a more tender or Christ-like person. 10 Fred Rogers could change our world!
Clifton Johnson Maybe it is because I grew up watching that little trolley. Maybe it is because Mr. Rogers' message of love and affirmation was such a powerful part of my childhood. Or maybe there's just something inspiring about a life dedicated to being loved and loving. Regardless, this film deeply impacted me. It was not just the story of a person or a TV show. It was the story of what shapes us (as children and adults) and an invitation to the kind of bravery Rogers embodied...a bravery to hope and care and love and believe. Even in the face of doubts. Even in the face of evil. The filmmaker got what made Rogers' message so important. He left enough space for us to listen, reflect, and remember. And it worked. I wasn't the only one wiping away tears at the end.