Wild Side
Wild Side
NR | 17 July 1996 (USA)
Wild Side Trailers

A bank accountant who moonlights as a high-priced call girl becomes embroiled in the lives of a money launderer, his seductive wife, and his bodyguard.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
tfrizzell Evil money launderer Christopher Walken calls for a $1500 hooker (Anne Heche) who is actually a banker during the day. FBI undercover man Steven Bauer (posing as Walken's assistant) blackmails Heche to cooperate with him in the hopes of bringing Walken down. Of course he also has plans to bring Heche down too (he doesn't tell her that though). Soon Heche meets Walken's super-sexy wife (Joan Chen of "The Last Emperor" fame) and they become infatuated with each other sexually. Walken plans to use Chen as the fall-person so he can leave the country for good with all his money. Tangled little web teases and tantalizes, but ultimately this is a total destruction. The film is cheap (in more ways than one) as most of the filming locations are motel rooms, bathrooms, restaurants and house kitchens. The screenplay goes more towards the soft-core realm than it does toward "Pulp Fiction" or "The Usual Suspects". Totally unsatisfying as Walken's unintentionally hilarious bad guy routine tires fast, Bauer's stupid muscle-bound cop/thug routine bores fast and the two ladies do their best to hide their lack of talent by getting naked together fast. All this is to no avail though. British director Donald Cammell (who had a career where his best work were specials about the music group U2) committed suicide shortly after this film was completed. Turkey (0 stars out of 5).
Buck Aroo Curiously, I continued to watch this...as unlike many flicks around these days, it was quite unpredictable. Okay. It has a few flaws, like Mister Walken's sometimes way out overacting, but this may have been down to the director's untimely death after the project was taken out of his control. Anne Heche, who everyone condemned a few years ago for riding on the coat-tails of her former love Ellen Degeneres, turns out to be quite an accomplished actress (check her out in One Kill), and is believable as a woman torn in many directions. It's also very easy to see why Walken's character would fall for her. Ryuchi Sakamoto's haunting music recorded nearly five years after the movie was shot, adds to the surreal atmosphere of some scenes, even though they can seem a little far fetched. Film Four has done a fine job restoring the movie, it's a shame though that the BBC's excellent documentary, Donald Cammell: The Ultimate Performance, isn't included on the DVD.
thehumanduvet Intriguing, eye-opening thriller this, featuring an outrageous, insane and over-the-top performance from Christopher Walken even compared to his usual crazed output. Essentially a romance between the two leading ladies, Walken is the central figure and catalyst of all events as his loopy as hell gangster feller messes around with some women, is picked on by some dodgy coppers, and generally acts like a total loon. Joan Chen and Anne Heche are good as, respectively, his longtime girl and partner in crime, and his newest conquest and hobby, both putting in subtly sensual and remarkably sympathetic performances, and Steven Bauer is impressive (in the first role I've really noticed him in since Scarface) as the totally twisted, corrupt undercover cop on Walken's back, but this is really all Walken's show, as he chomps at the scenery with massive gusto. The atmosphere is dark and warm and a little steamy, there's plenty of expensive looking whisky about the place and people leading lives on the edge of sanity; the tragic Cammell's last film is a dark, intense, often inspired and occasionally hilarious gaze into the wilder side of sexuality and empowerment. Definitely one to watch with an open mind.
kevin c A tense, sexy thriller that draws you in from it's opening scene. Walken gives his normal manic performance. However, it's Heche who dominates the screen. She gets the balance just right between victim and perpetrator.Ultimately Cammell is a distinctive talent in cinema, and his suicide was a loss.