All The Days Before Tomorrow
All The Days Before Tomorrow
| 01 April 2007 (USA)
All The Days Before Tomorrow Trailers

Wes is awakened in the middle of the night by an unexpected phone call. It’s Alison, the girl who could have been, who is flying home to Tokyo in the morning and wants to come by for a night of reminiscing before she goes.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Alexela245 Francois Dompierre made a remarkable first film. The texts are excellent, the photography, especially what was shot in the canyons, is beautiful, and the scenes with Richard Roundtree show the wacky sense of humor the director has.The musical choices made by Dompierre are appropriate. The language of the songs always fit the mood of the scene they are used in. It is obvious that with a bigger budget, Dompierre could make some real good work. This film only shows how he has been able to do much with so little.To summarize: an excellent start for a talented director.
editfilmr Nice first-time effort by Francois Dompierre . Kudos to him, actor Joey Kern , and Lindsey Davis , Art Director for staying after it's East Coast screening at the Stony Brook Film festival for the Q & A .The frustrating , platonic "love story" was a little slow in developing , but tended to become more fleshed out as the movie wore on and the character's traits and aspects were revealed to us in the audience . The use of the dream sequences with Richard Roundtree , were somewhat vague , but did tend to lead into the next chapter or vignette . The desert landscapes spoke volumes of the "relationship" between the two main characters Wes (Joey Kern) and Alison (Alexandra Holden) . Warm and enticing , yet empty and foreboding . This non-committal "dance" between the two directly echos many , many relationships in our modern , fast-paced materialistic world . (Many that i have personally encountered ,and with some of my friends) . Bravo to Francois to presenting this movie in such a way, yet leaving the "possibilties" open for something more substantial in the future .The acting was top - notch , as they lead us on their journey's of evolving , maturing , and feeling out what "fits' in the present , and what might be a "best" fit .... for each one in the future . ( I can certainly see continued success for both Joey & Alexandra ) .For the average film - goer , this film may be a bit tedious and frustrating ( as was evidenced in the crowd around me ) . I would recommend this more for an artsy , thinking , engaged viewing crowd , who recall having youth and time on their side , floating through modern life ...... before tomorrow ..... Life ... and the overhead theater's lights ... kick in !
davilo79 It's beautiful to look at and the dialogue is good. But the subtle performance of Alexandra Holden makes the movie! What an amazing performance, I was blown away. I've known girls in my life just like this character, it may not be a role full of drama, crying/screaming/dying--but she is as real as it gets!! the movie is pretty good, it could move a little faster.why don't more movies like this come out? Even on video there are always so many crappy low budget horror films on the shelf, why can't there be more like this,, All the Days Before tomorrow? And not to mention actresses like Alexandra. She should get more work. I hope something comes of this movie so people can see how good she is. She will have a lot of fans if this movie gets out there!!!!
Michelle H I was constantly hypnotized by the outstanding cinematography, as well. Every scene was shot to bring out the most beauty possible, and it enhanced the experience by 100 times. One of the first few scenes drew me into the movie as it showed a girl's hand resting outside a car window, with rays from the setting sun gleaming through her fingers as she drove through an orange desert terrain. Each shot that was captured was entrancing: from majestic canyons in Utah to quaint homes in Montréal, a stylish apartment in L.A. to slow motion lights in a club and snow falling onto the still water of a swimming pool. It did not matter what was happening—every frame was perfectly composed and a delight for the eyes.As if there could be any more wonderful aspects to this film, the music was yet another one! The varied musical selections added as much to the movie as anything else, and it would not be the same without it. The most amazing thing about the film's music was that the songs were of completely different genres yet each created the ideal mood and sensation that a scene was meant to have. There was music for every taste: jazz, electronica, alternative, instrumental, country and even songs in four foreign languages! The music was very distinctive—not the over-played radio songs you find in most movies—and captured the essence of the diverse twists and turns of the story. I had not heard any of the songs before this movie, but they left a lasting impression in my mind and made me impatient to have them on CD. The music choices of the director were impeccable and set the finishing touch to the acting, script, and cinematography, bringing each scene fully to life.Many of my favorite movies are love stories, but this is now my favorite one of all. I was amazed that the film made me want its two characters to be together so badly. In many movies, I would not care if the lovers end up together, but this one made my heart hurt to think that they might not be happy. I was surprised to find myself so enthralled, hanging on every word and movement of the characters, feeling as though I was experiencing what they were. When a movie pulls the audience into the story, making them care about the lives and fate of its characters, it has accomplished its goal. This film did just that, subtly and naturally, without a hint of insincerity or cliché. The film never tried too hard because it didn't have to—it compelled you to become enveloped in the story without ever realizing you were. I was amazed as I admired each emotional and intellectual layer, woven delicately and masterfully into every element of the film, and saw how it had been refined to perfection until it flowed seamlessly. This movie made an ordinary week of mine into an incredibly exciting experience, and gave me something to turn to when I need to be reminded that there are truly masterful works of art in the world. Since March 2nd, this has been my new favorite movie. "All the Days Before Tomorrow" plays like a finely-tuned instrument and unfolds like the steps of a flawlessly-choreographed dance. There is not a scene, expression, sound or word that should be changed.It takes a great vision and incredible talent to create art so powerful, and I must give the director, François Dompierre, unending praise for having done that. This was his very first movie, and merely from knowing that I can see that he is destined for success. Anyone who experiences this film will be able to recognize his remarkable skills and ability that stand out beyond the rest, and I know we will see him at the Oscars one day. Thank you for making such an exceptional work that touched my heart and I know many, many others.Everyone who can, see this film and give it the support it deserves!! =)
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