The Road to Guantanamo
The Road to Guantanamo
R | 09 March 2006 (USA)
The Road to Guantanamo Trailers

Part drama, part documentary, The Road to Guantánamo focuses on the Tipton Three, a trio of British Muslims who were held in Guantanamo Bay for two years until they were released without charge.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
dejan8378 And that is what reviews should be about and that is what this site is for. What happened to those poor boys without any single reason is by all means horrible thing. And this is a brave movie without any doubt, pointed at USA's government.But let's talk about the movie itself for a change. It's that documentary style, so popular after Michael Moore's success, but unlike Moore's documentaries this one is emotionless, not letting You to relate enough with the main characters, without dialogs and thoughts that will bring You any closer. And how can you when the scenes are cut faster than You can say Guantanamo. Just another overrated festival movie.
david-byrne Excellent film, showing us who the true terrorists are and how justice won't be served by a cowardly government from the land of the stupid. The acting is very good and the scenery accurate. The film depicts the humanity in the four hapless victims of American justice. One warning is the language in the film is a bit heavy at times. The film will leave many non-American viewers angry. At least the Nazis behind the kidnapping, torture and murder or innocent people were made accountable and sentenced to death or imprisonment. Not so for Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and their military meat heads, who have escaped any justice and are accountable to no-one. I rated it the full 10 points because it is such a worthy film. I can guess the lower rating might be partly due to the American viewers. See the film, then do your research on the Web (eg: wiki) and decide for yourself.
jcajka Although some have not heard of the Tipton Three, they are real. In fact, one of them, Shafiq Rasul should be familiar to all who were really in Guantanamo. He is the one who sued George Bush and won in Rasul vs Bush the right of the captives at Guantanamo to challenge their captivity in US courts.The movie itself has very good production values. At times, the reenactment gives the impression we are seeing a collection of clips filmed in real time and on site. Oh and by the way, of the 775 prisoners taken to Gitmo, 420 were released without charge.
fdsprata it shows how you can get caught in a situation of terror without expecting it, i enjoyed the film and recommend it to any one that wonders what Guantanamo prison is, the struggle of normal people that get into an-wanted situation and horrific experience of trying to explain your innocence and knowing that no one is interested in that truth. All cast give a good realistic performance, the scenes of prisoners interrogation could be better directed but is not bad enough to spoil the interest and flow of the film. One is amazed how easy it is to go from normal and quite safe life one day and the next you are in hell. the Americans are seen here as the bad guys but the tali bans also have nothing to be proud about their handling of prisoners.