PG | 30 March 1984 (USA)
Misunderstood Trailers

A workaholic father becomes sole parent to his two young sons, and finds it hard to relate to them, consumed as he is with his own grief.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
emmeline01 I take exception to the person who posted the snarky review that the Mom dies, the dad can't fill her shoes & nothing much else happens. I feel that the pivotal moment of the film is after the boy falls & his dad actually requests his schoolbooks to help him with his essay. The essay goes something like this "My dad is my favorite person he always understands when I'm sad..." The dad reads the essay & the boy explains he can't finish it. The young boy says "You never listen, you never understand." The courage it took for him to actually tell his father that and the courage for the father to actually listen & cry and say he was sorry that's monumental. Any child/adult who's had problems with their parents just melts at that moment. All of the little wounds that this boy must endure build up. This is what makes a childhood. If you're told all of the time you're not important. It really kills your soul.My husband & I watched this & he cried because he misses his own family. I cried because I never really had a family to miss. I don't know which is worse. Being a million miles away from the loving family that you know or growing up never being connected or understood by those in your household? This movie is powerful. If you prefer not to watch movies that make you cry then I don't recommend it. I don't understand why this doesn't come on cable? I had to buy a copy of the VHS tape.
beulahbailey I have been enjoying this film for 20 years and it makes me cry buckets every time.....but in a good way - the feeling of release is immense.Gene Hackman's performance is superb but it's Henry Thomas who is the star; forget E.T., this is real acting. While I admit that the plot-line of two young children losing their mother is depressing, it is sadly a fact of life and I think the film more than adequately portrays the sudden devastating impact on the both the surviving parent and the children. Moreover, it shows the lesson to be learned by all workaholic fathers at how important a hands-on role is to their children and themselves. As an English nanny, I have seen and experienced the sadness all too often. Women - watch and weep. Men - watch, weep and learn! This film should be on DVD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
honest-abe This is a wonderful story about the relationship of a father and his son. It shows the difficulties which a family can face when confronted with a tragedy. Anyone with a feeling for family and love in their heart would enjoy this movie.
Sean Richard McCarthy This is one of the rare American re-makes of a foreign movie I have ever seen that I can really appreciate! I should have expected as much with the cast including Gene Hackman, Henry Thomas & Huckleberry Fox! Of course the acting is GREAT, but SURPRISE! -->> The story is almost identical to the original Italian "Incompreso".Some new material is introduced & some of the original is excluded! I can't tell the new material (without spoiling the movie), but to all who have seen "Incompreso", the worst exclusion (and it hurts) is the tear jerking camera scene. I recommend this movie to anyone who likes touching movies.
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