| 29 July 2000 (USA)
Drift Trailers

Man in relationship connects with another man and tries to make love-triangle work.

Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
JMC4711 What starts out as a fairly straightforward tale of the end of a relationship gets, for no apparent reason, complicated about an hour in by repeated scenes from earlier in the film with twists and variations. First minor changes in wording, then wholesale changes in content, scene construction and even characters. I was reminded of the home video release of "Clue," which separated the three theatrical endings with a title card saying something like "That's one way it could have gone, but what about this?" Except the alternate endings and scenes for "Clue" were entertaining and these changes weren't. The twists and turns were attempts to enliven an otherwise pedestrian faux-"quirky" script (oooh, obsessing about serial killers, how avant-garde!) but it didn't work. Proving that gay indie filmmakers can screw up relationship stories just as badly as straight ones. If you like surreal twists, leave this one on the shelf and rent "The Hanging Garden" instead.
leliorisen Do gay-themed movies get any more self-consciously awful than this garbage?What the filmmakers didn't realize is that all those trite avant garde movie cliches are bearable only if you have characters that one actually cares about. Otherwise, the constant juxtaposition of old scenes with new ones becomes as obnoxious as the characters and equally hard to love.As I watched with my friends we tried to amuse ourselves by coming up with more fitting film titles (between snores, of course). I think the one that fits best is "Groundhog Drift."I gave it a 3 but am wondering if that wasn't too high?
GlennCT So here's a nice, little indie film made on a shoestring budget with no monstrous, gaping flaws. That alone sets it above most other nice, little indie films made on a shoestring budget. Ironically, though, what "Drift" seems to lack the most is a sense of bite... one of the things that the tortured intellectuals of the film note about their lives. The film is basically a more complex, less commercialized take on the Gwynneth Paltrow vehicle, "Sliding Doors." In this incarnation, gay Ryan has gotten the 3-year itch now that his relationship with lover, Joel, has gotten comfortable. He meets eager young writer-wannabe Leo, and begins to question his "marriage". This is all justified nicely as we see the artistic, passionate Ryan trying, but failing, to connect with Joel on a more enlightened plane. This is when "Drift" shows us three possibilities of where Ryan's life may take him: off with Leo, back to Joel, and none of the above. While the film never lost my interest, it is, at its core, a talkfest. (And if you're the type of person who finds the angst of day-to-day living to be dull, then you are certainly going to hate this film.) Yes, it's a heckuva lot deeper emotionally than "Sliding Doors" will ever be, but it's also less fun and far less charismatic. And I found myself waiting for some sort of big, dramatic confrontation that never really showed up. Alas, quiet and thoughtful is more what the film aspires to be... and really, there's nothing wrong with that. It just won't make your heart race. One final positive: gay men and their sexual relations are handled both realistically AND erotically. The film manages to be neither disinfected of sex nor a pointless bump-and-grindathon like, say, most of the second season of "Queer as Folk."
amwarren I found Drift to be a highly unsatisfying and poorly put-together movie. I did not enjoy Drift at all. I thought that the movie was poorly written, acted and directed. I also am not a fan of the use of Digital Video to tell this story. Since D.V. is such an intimate medium, better actors and a better script are needed to make this movie successful. I appreciate anyone who has the courage and creativity to make a feature film. I applaud your effort, I just don't agree with the praise this movie has received.
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