Cristiano Ronaldo: World at His Feet
Cristiano Ronaldo: World at His Feet
| 01 June 2014 (USA)
Cristiano Ronaldo: World at His Feet Trailers

Cristiano Ronaldo: The World at His Feet follows the footballer from his beginnings in Portugal, breakthrough start with Manchester United and current career at Real Madrid.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
BasicLogic This is such a bad patched, randomly assembled documentary film that I've ever viewed. there were even some from an old movie. The poorly patched works littered around with boring narrations from different people. There was nothing special to tell a good story but only with some patchworks cut here and there to assemble an indifferent story. I really doubt people would fall for Ronaldo by this lousy film.I just viewed the newer "Ronaldo (2015)" couple of days ago, comparing it with this horrible film, that one suddenly becomes so good, because the 2015 released film is very up close and personal. When you watched it, you were like standing or sitting next to Ronaldo in his car, his home and traveled with him everywhere he went. Yet this one, yuck, just with terrible boring stuff with terrible narration. I strongly suggest that you skip this and watch that film instead.
Anthony Mamas So I learned something today. Apparently Portuguese people speak a language that is a mix between Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. And I didn't know that Madeira resembled Rio de Janeiro's favelas or slums. Also the insight of the astrologist was very useful - a very important detail in an athlete's career. It's really a shame for someone to try to document a rather international public figure with such a weak attention to details when it comes to culture or language. Please, get your facts straight!Other than that it's quite nice that you showed his charitable and benevolent side, which should arise from the vanity comments that he is target off. And of course, such a great star should be known by all people, specially the football lovers.
Arturo Francescangeli This man is an amazing athlete and fast with the futbol. I do not usually watch documentaries but this Cristiano is intriguing. I wanted to know more about his life and how he became a super star. I found out through this film. I love how Cristiano plays and the video highlights in the documentary showcase his skill, although some of the clips are shown more than once. I was surprised to see the poverty he came from in Portugal, but it adds to the amazing story. The film documents Cristiano's rags to riches story and show some of his toys. For instance, the cars he owns are amazing - wait til you see them! The music accompanies the film well, too. I liked the documentary very much.
Carly Harmon I really enjoyed this documentary. I liked learning about Cristiano's childhood and his family. There's also lots of interesting tidbits. For example, as a child he was more of a quiet individual and now he poses for ads in his underwear (his own brand). Nothing wrong with that, I loved all the images of Cristiano in this film. There's also an interesting piece in this documentary where there is an astrologer, who directly relates Cristiano's communication style with his astrological sign. He said since Cristiano is an Aquarius that is partly why he excels in his communication. I don't know if that's true, but very interesting and is working for Cristiano. Before watching this film, I wouldn't have called myself a Cristiano fan, but now I am.