The Subjects
The Subjects
| 08 October 2015 (USA)
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Eight strangers go into a locked room for clinical trials on a new drug that gives them superpowers.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Dark_Lord_Mark It's a low budget Sci-Fi movie that has elements of action in it.This could also be considered a superhero movie. It's a tough movie to classify but it's fantastic.The Subjects are about a group of random strangers who are given a pill and are part of an experiment. But experiments have uncontrollable variables and outcomes and this movie was smartly done.As a fan of hero and sci fi movie, this was one of the better low budget movies I have seen and is something that should be given a chance.I will give this a 9 out of 10. I will even call it a must see film that is simply innovative and worthy of the time dedication and it is ultimately enjoyable.
alex (doorsscorpywag) It was a pretty innocuous 80 minutes not one I would look at twice. I reviewed it because of all the fake reviews here that really spoil IMDb. The acting was not exactly brilliant and some of the dialogue was very forced and unrealistic. I guess they were trying to do a Chronicle type film but really did not have either the budget or the talent.The invisible bloke was funny and I did like the twist at the end but that was about it really.Threadbare script with really dull set pieces of not very good dialogue to pad it out over the hour. No real merit to it, just there, and nothing really to distinguish it from the hundreds of other movies that appear on here with glowing reviews but are in reality not very good.If you want to kill an hour or so watch it by all means but there are a lot better films of this type to occupy your time with.
KeroScee The concept was great but failure to understand what made similar 'one room' movies such as the Cube work, translated into a jarring and ultimately boring experience.Acting for the most part is rather bland, if not terrible from most. A few among their number such as Charlotte Nicdao,Paul Henri and Tosh Greenslade demonstrate themselves as being capable of greater (possibly even great) things. The decision to have American accents did not work in anyones favour and only exaggerated the existing flaws in the script.The writing itself comes into it's own near the end. However much of it before that comes across as stilted, with conversations feeling unnatural and poorly written. The latter half certainly shows off a great deal of Robert Mond's potential, but the poor early scenes fail to build up any investment in the characters for the end to pay off. A few more projects under his belt and Mond may be a director/writer worth following in the near future.Until then, the subjects is probably a good case study of how not to do 'one room' movies, or how a movie can be close to being 'good' but fails to deliver.
Angus Farquharson It has to be tough to make a movie. But this movie was just plain tough to sit through. Most of the actors are irritating at best. Some of the "superpowers" were difficult to comprehend. Color changing finger nails, an overactive digestive system, and Mr. Touchy Feely. What was Robert Mond thinking? My Rolex held my interest more than this B grade flick, as I could not wait for it to be over.The premise of the movie is good, and certainly held more potential than what eventually evolved. Mr. Mond could have elaborated a bit more about Nikki's "power", as this viewer was stumped as to what exactly she was capable of, and what happened when she eliminated the godlike Corey. If Mr. Mond set out to create a suspense filled sci-fi, I think he failed.
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