G | 16 February 1956 (USA)
Carousel Trailers

Billy Bigelow has been dead for 15 years. Now outside the pearly gates, he long ago waived his right to go back to Earth for a day. He has heard that there is a problem with his family: namely with his wife Julie Bigelow, née Jordan, and his child he hasn't met. He would now like to head back to Earth to assist in rectifying the problem; but before he may go, he has to get permission from the gatekeeper by telling him his story. Adapted from the Rodgers and Hammerstein hit Broadway musical.

ada the leading man is my tpye
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Benas Mcloughlin Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
gatorgus-80479 I saw this as a teen many years after it came out. The songs were beautiful, performances great. The pain and loss he felt was very moving. And I absolutely fell in love with Shirley Jones. Just a great movie. Not the typical every thing will work out perfect movie.
Roedy Green Carousel is your typical Rodgers and Hammerstein musical. It is brimming with lilting, hummable familiar tunes. The orchestral music lifts you up and floats you along on a wave of champagne bubbles. The plot is corny as an opera. I wish Hollywood was still making musicals I can remember every scene of every musical I have ever seen. The anti-feminist attitudes are shocking to a modern audience. It even offers a strange defence of wife-beating.Agnes de Mille did the choreography. It was gymnastic, athletic and quite difficult. However, most of it was trite and corny even for a musical. Further, it borrowed a lot from ballet. The fisherman looked ridiculous flitting about with effete moves from the era of Louis XVI. This movie would have knocked it out of the park had Bob Fosse been old enough to choreograph it.The themes are the oft-repeated song "You will never walk alone", and people are so cruel to those they think are not upholding norms of propriety.This is a Rodgers and Hammerstein musical made roughly at the same time as Oklahoma, the Sound of Music and the King and I, but is not of the same quality. But even with its flaws, it is still a wonderful treat.
mysticnox I gave it a 3 due to the music and the incredible voices. Honestly, it doesn't even deserve that. I understand that it's supposed to take place in the late 1800's, but this is horrid. Even at the time the movie came out women's lib had already begun and I can't believe that any woman would have had the insane mindset of "If he hits you, it means he loves you" as a norm. It wasn't true even then.Considering that this is Rogers and Hammerstein, I can't believe how bad it really is.I love musicals, and the old musicals tended to be rather sexist but this took it to a new level.
Python Hyena Carousel (1956): Dir: Henry King / Cast: Gordon MacRae, Shirley Jones, Cameron Mitchell, Barbara Ruick, Robert Rounseville: A carousel spins around in circles much like life's events and emotions. Gordon MacRae plays Billy Bigelow who is deceased in the film's opening but is given the opportunity to tell his story and return to earth for one day. He was a skilled carousel operator whose womanizing ways land him in trouble. Shirley Jones plays Julie Jordan who catches his eye and eventually becomes his wife. She becomes frustrated when he fails to change his ways with abusive behavior. Cameron Mitchell plays a sleazy criminal friend of Bigelow who makes an attempt to break up a relationship as well as con Bigelow into a crime. Barbara Ruick plays Julie's best friend who is getting married to Enoch Snow, played by Robert Rounseville. He is wealthy but unimpressed when his fiancé is being poached upon by Mitchell. Ruick is reduced to tears upon meeting Bigelow and his aggressive nature. Structure is rundown by too many pointless and meaningless musical numbers that never stand out. Another issue is the unpleasant disposition of the central character. We know how it ends and despite its corny delivery the production values work with director Henry King helming the wheel and preventing this musical charade from totally spinning out of control. Score: 7 / 10