NR | 29 November 1927 (USA)
Love Trailers

In Imperial Russia, Anna Karenina falls in love with the dashing military officer Count Vronsky and abandons her husband and child to become his mistress.

YouHeart I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
MissSimonetta As I have stated before and often in my reviews, I don't care whether or not a film adaptation is faithful to its source material; my only requirement is that it be good and stand on its own two feet. Love (1927) mostly does this; I haven't read Anna Karenina, though I am familiar with the basic outline of the plot. Love hits the high points of the story, though it does make the relationship between Anna and Vronsky more a case of two soul mates finding one another than what those two characters are in the novel.Garbo is luminescent as Anna. She was not only gorgeous, but she could communicate such depth and soul despite being featured in so many standard melodramas. Gilbert does good and is ardent as the romantic lead, but Garbo steals the show. As is usual with most 1920s MGM melodramas, the production is lavish and pretty. My biggest issue is that the story is incredibly rushed; everything moves so quickly and it feels like scenes were even lost or snipped. Nothing develops gradually. Aside from that problem, Love is a nice romantic drama, though if you want your Garbo-Gilbert fix, you're better off with Flesh and the Devil or A Woman of Affairs.
philiplama This is a wonderfully filmed movie! The only problem that I could possibly find with it is that it really isn't ANNA KARENINA, it would have made an excellent film just on its own. The Happy Ending probably holds up better today than back in the 1920's and was a welcome after the sad separation. The best parts as the scenes between Garbo and Gilbert. I didn't quit get the scenes with De Lacy, although the birthday reunion scene was very sentimental. Luckily the film also has a few laughs, Gilbert burning himself on the lighted flint, the Holy Lamp that goes out when Garbo opens the door to find Gilbert and especially her reactions. What's best is that it is only 82 minutes long. I did not understand the character of the Grand Duchesse, she not on that long, nor Brandon Hurst's Karenine, they were both excellent, its just that the real life of the picture is truly Gilbert and Garbo. I'm so glad John Gilbert is finally being brought back, perhaps mostly do to the 100th birthday of Garbo, but at least this great and talented actor is at last being given some of the praise he is due. Hopefully more of his films will be shown on TCM and YOUTUBE. Perhaps even some talkies! Thank you to everyone who have made is easier to see John Gilbert films!
arneblaze With a mix of modern dresses for the ladies and typical regimental outfits for the men, this adaptation of ANNA KARENINA is quite different from the novel and other film versions in a few ways. After deserting her family for Vronsky, he does not tire of and desert her - he stays faithful - it is she who voluntarily gives him up to prevent his being thrown out of the Guards and thereby saves his name from disgrace - her suicide is to save him, rather than being an act of despair.Anna's completely "losing it" when his horse falls in a race - in front of society - is her downfall as it exposes their affair to the world, after which society must wreak its revenge. Without this "flaw," things might have gone otherwise for her. The finest scenes are between Garbo and Philippe de Lacy, who plays her son. Their two scenes are so full of playful mother-son love as to prove to better than Garbo's scenes with Gilbert. Indeed, there is none of the passion or obsession here that the two displayed earlier that year in FLESH AND THE DEVIL. de Lacy is a beautiful young actor and a "natural." One of the annoying things about Vronsky is his inability to understand this love - he selfishly wants Anna all to himself - the cad!Garbo's farewell scene with Gilbert, she knowing she'll never see him again and he oblivious to this fact, is also quite well done.The TCM print is flawed by having a live audience reacting poorly on the soundtrack, although the newly commissioned score by Arnold Brostoff is quite fine. This soundtrack addition occurred in 1994 and seems the only one accompanying prints of the film currently. There is a beautifully photographed waltz with Garbo and Gilbert - oft seen in compilations and reminiscent of his waltz scenes with Mae Murray in THE MERRY WIDOW.All in all, worth catching for Garbo, but the two later remakes of the work are much better.
nickandrew Slow-moving, silent version of Tolstoy's classic Anna Karenina, stars Garbo as a married socialite who has an affair with soldier Gilbert. This followed shortly after the duo made Flesh and the Devil, but it is not a worthy follow-up. There are two endings-one happy and one sad. Remade by Garbo in 1935. Only merits 2 stars in my book.