R | 03 February 2012 (USA)
W.E. Trailers

In 1998, an auction of the estate of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor causes great excitement. For one woman, Wally Winthrop, it has much more meaning. Wally becomes obsessed by their historic love story. As she learns more about the sacrifices involved, Wally gains her own courage to find happiness.

Lawbolisted Powerful
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
jsmurray13 I do not see in the actor/actress credits the name Michelle Trachtenberg who to me is excellent in this film, but she is mot listed??? The film give a great story on English Royalty in the mid 1930's and the sets and photography is great. The fact the couple spent most of their time in Paris France is not surprising, as the English population at that time were not to forgiving, and of course in today time. this activity of marring an American commoner would not even make the news. The photography is excellent, and as an ex naval WW2 photographer I may say the camera work is second to none. In general I like the story very much, but I needed to view the film a second time.
Lars Henderson This movie obviously had a tremendous budget and no expense was spared in their sets and quality of costumes and locations which are superb and the real 'star' of this movie. It appears that the director really took great pains to ensure authenticity with regard to Wallis Simpson's wardrobe as well as the Royal's wardrobe and their lifestyle. I was quite mesmerized with the laissez faire life that Wallis and what was to be the future King had created and this movie if to be believed portrays it very well. The parallel story in this movie whilst interesting really does not add anything to the already complex and intriguing life of Wallis and Edward; therefore, had the director focused more on W.E., this movie may have been more successful.You can sort of discern in this movie that the Director is 'thinking' out loud to themselves in the way some of the scenes are shot. The director has her actors over emphasize actions in order to convey an emotion that the director thinks is subliminal to the audience when in fact it is just too obvious that the director is a bit immature in their direction. Had this director allowed emotions to develop sincerely without the obvious conjecture of 'set-ups', then again this movie would have been dually successful.
mathewwillman Wonderful film! I consider it to be one of the best, if not the best, film of 2011. I saw it on Redbox, read a brief summary, and decided, "Oh, heck, I'll go with it." And boy, am I glad. I am a huge fan for British films, romances, dramas, and tragedy's. The score is beautiful! The plot, I found fascinating. I loved how Madonna worked in the past and future of this story. I so much loved how she had a poor woman who's in a struggling relationship, to find comfort in a famous love scandal, despite her current circumstances. For I know, when I was in hard times, and not knowing where to turn, I was able to find comfort, security, and a way to escape life, if only for a little bit, in a simple story. So, I can connect with her on a personal level. The romance is beautiful, the plot, fascinating and intriguing at the same time. Madonna had an amazing cast, which I felt helped give the story its richness. And again, the score. I know I can't say this enough, but well done! Madonna hired a wonderful and amazing score writer, Abel Korzeniowski. I just listen to the score and dream in my own romantic fantasies, by it's sheer beauty. My mother saw me watching it (she came in on the last 30mins) not knowing what it was about, thought it was horrible. Well, a year went by, and I was in a dreamy state and felt like watching it again. Well, I sat down to watch it, and my mother joined my at the couch. Knowing it was that very same film she hated. She still watched it again, and at the end of the film......she loved it! She praised its glory and found out why I so dearly loved it, and now I can proudly say, she is a lover of this wonderful film. And I am glad to have changed her mind. I recommend this film to anyone. I am a male and I'm 16.
peter-1850 Slow and pointless. Strangely it manages to be confusing too, jumping between various yanks, all notable for being loud and unpleasant.I hadn't realised that Madonna was involved with this project. It makes sense, though. It's loud, brash and empty.I thought that I was doing a favour to my wife by getting what looked like an entirely girlie film - awash with anti-male prejudice. Sadly she didn't like it either.What a waste.I can't imagine who would want to watch this sort of rubbish. It must appeal to somebody or, presumably, the time and money wouldn't have been wasted on it.
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