The Pirate Movie
The Pirate Movie
PG | 06 August 1982 (USA)
The Pirate Movie Trailers

A comedy/musical utilizing both new songs and parodies from the original (Gilbert and Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance), as well as references to popular films of the time, including Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark. In your typical boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy fights girl with swords plot, the story revolves around Mabel ...

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
utgard14 Silly, extremely cheesy version of the Pirates of Penzance. It's a hard movie to dislike, despite being a big flop and being nominated for many Razzie Awards. The comedy is pretty awful. You'll laugh but only because it's unintentionally funny. The songs are worse, particularly the ones sung by Christopher Atkins and Kristy McNichol. Speaking of Atkins, despite being over 20 when this was filmed, his voice would indicate he had not gone through puberty yet. Poor guy! To the movie's credit, it doesn't take itself seriously in the least. The actors all ham it up and are a generally likable bunch. The sexual innuendo-laced dialogue is fun, too. It's a hard movie to rate. There are parts that are good for some unintended laughs but I wouldn't say it's a good movie at all. It's certainly campy. But, as with most movies like that, a little bit goes a long way.
Pepe Black I just watched this movie for the first time in probably 24 years but for about the thousandth time.Like the other people that remember this movie my dad would hire this on beta cassette and we would watch it over and over. Every time we would go down to the video store to grab something we would always bug our parents to grab this movie too. The movie has been etched into our very imagination and now leaves me with such a fulfilling sense of nostalgia.I would not expect people that didn't grow up watching this to see it and feel the same way about it now that's for sure. I have to say most of the movies that come out today are terrible in my opinion, but there is probably a few here and there that some kids will watch over and over which leads them on to having such a fond memory for it as I do with this one.The thing I don't get is the people that have bagged out the movie because they only just saw it. What is the point in reviewing a movie that was obviously made before their time? I wouldn't watch a movie that was made in the 60s or 70s and feel the need to talk about the movies technical faults, this day and age? Yeah sure, we have a certain level of expectation for movies made now days cause the bar is always getting set higher and higher.The Pirate Movie never takes itself seriously, it is purely light hearted fun and for those of us lucky enough to spend the best days of our life watching it time after time, we will say that this is one of the best movies ever made and we do so for all the right reasons.When I eventually have children I would love watch it with them and watch them enjoying it as much as I did. Definitely a happy ending every time.
aurbano13 Peach, so glad there is someone else out there. My sister and I have loved this movie since 87 as well. After seeing it on t.v., my mother spent long pre-internet hours and a good amount of cash locating a copy on VHS for us because we had to have it. We knew all the songs by heart and even danced and acted them out. The movie is full of sexual innuendo that went over our heads and made Mom giggle. When I watch it now it is funny, silly and a wonderful indulgence. If you have daughters, let them check this one out. Yay for happy endings! And yay for a heroine who is independent, smart, awkward, honest and feisty! We can have it both ways.
MARIO GAUCI Rated a BOMB by Leonard Maltin, this is not really quite bad if certainly misguided – what was veteran British director Annakin thinking?: an old-fashioned pirate adventure, inspired by Gilbert & Sullivan's operetta "The Pirates Of Penzance" (contemporaneously receiving the big-screen treatment), set to horrid electronic music. Yet, the thing is fitfully amusing in spots (often campily so)...Christopher Atkins is bland as the unwilling buccaneer hero, but tomboyish leading lady Kristy McNichol is cute (she even naively says "Ole'" instead of "Touche'" during the swordfights!). Ted Hamilton, then, is The Pirate King – whose matinée'-idol looks seem like a cross between Adam West and Randolph Scott! Scenes from Fox's classic swashbuckler THE BLACK SWAN (1942) with Tyrone Power actually play throughout the opening credits: it transpires to be a TV screening of that film – since the narrative here is given a modern-day framework, with the adventure within turning out to be a dream set off by the nerdy McNichols' visit to a pirate attraction! Apart from much romance and derring-do, we get a bumbling group of singing and dancing bobbies (cops) who constitute an obvious anachronism. Still, they're involved in one of the film's more inspired bits: during the climactic bout, they gang up on a isolated pirate – and one of them attempts to obscure the camera's viewpoint (recording the event, as it were)…which, of course, lampoons the usual expose' of police brutality!